By Notsile Nkambule | Comms, Resource Mobilization & Events Manager
Moya supports about 150 high school learners through High School. They get fees, uniforms, dignitary packs and needed Physco-social support. These are learners identified through cases that have been reported, largely orphaned and neglected children. In the past couple of years, generous donors on this platform have donated to this cause and helped us keepo children in school.
Unfortunaley, In the past months this project has not received any donations. We will have to close the project and focus on the other two projects that we have open; dignitary packs for Hish School learners and fencing for our community Pre-school. We are grateful for all the donations that have been made in the past couple of years and have managed to support tens of learner through their High School Education. Should you still be interested in supporting Moya, please kindly donate to these live GlobalGiving Projects. Thank you Best Regards,
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