Ukrainian people need help.

by Public Movement Faith, Hope, Love
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Ukrainian people need help.
Ukrainian people need help.
Ukrainian people need help.
Ukrainian people need help.
Ukrainian people need help.
Ukrainian people need help.
Ukrainian people need help.
Ukrainian people need help.
Ukrainian people need help.
Ukrainian people need help.
Ukrainian people need help.
Ukrainian people need help.
Ukrainian people need help.
Ukrainian people need help.
Ukrainian people need help.
Ukrainian people need help.
Ukrainian people need help.
Ukrainian people need help.
Ukrainian people need help.
Ukrainian people need help.
Ukrainian people need help.
Ukrainian people need help.
Ukrainian people need help.
Ukrainian people need help.
Ukrainian people need help.
Ukrainian people need help.
Ukrainian people need help.
Ukrainian people need help.
Ukrainian people need help.
Ukrainian people need help.
Ukrainian people need help.
Ukrainian people need help.
Ukrainian people need help.
Ukrainian people need help.
Ukrainian people need help.
Ukrainian people need help.
Ukrainian people need help.
Ukrainian people need help.
Ukrainian people need help.
Ukrainian people need help.
Ukrainian people need help.
Ukrainian people need help.
Ukrainian people need help.
Ukrainian people need help.
Ukrainian people need help.
Ukrainian people need help.
Ukrainian people need help.
Ukrainian people need help.
Ukrainian people need help.

Project Report | Oct 25, 2023
614th day of WAR in Ukraine

By Ludmila Vorojilova | Project Assistant


Almost 2 years on from the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine an estimated 5.35 million people remain internally displaced with an estimated 8.1 million displaced abroad. The war has caused disruption in business activity, damage to people, cities, and infrastructure, and has a devastating impact on Ukraine’s economy. Humanitarian Response Plan 2023 estimates 11.1 million people to need livelihoods and food security assistance, including 54% of women, 17% of children, 15% of persons with disabilities and 25% of elderly. 

The livelihood area in Ukraine remains to be underfinanced. Due to a fragile situation in Ukraine, created by the ongoing and escalating armed conflict, many development partners concentrate their support on humanitarian emergency needs, including psychological support. However, once displaced and conflict-affected people get access to livelihood-support instruments and start creating durable economic solutions, the need in psychological support, as well as in multipurpose cash, non- food items and other types of humanitarian support will decrease. Additionally, the small-scale community infrastructure projects can be addressed with community-based initiatives, which is the part of livelihood interventions. Therefore, increasing development partners’ awareness on the real effect of the livelihoods support is expected to partially redirect humanitarian funding to livelihoods support area.

According the “2023 Humanitarian Needs Overview” issued in December 2022 by OCHA, the 2023 people in need has increased exponentially from 2022 and the number is likely to increase further. Food insecurity is driven by the war, loss of livelihood opportunities, poverty levels, lack of access to food, and displacement. Acute food security needs are being driven by the war, especially close to the areas of active hostilities. The remote Checklist to Assess Organizational Readiness (CARI) assessment conducted by UN World Food Program (WFP) revealed that 40 percent of the people surveyed in the eastern region of Ukraine were reducing portion sizes (with adults doing so to feed their children) or cutting portions of their food. Similarly, one-third of all households in Ukraine were food insecure and 5 percent were extremely food insecure. A further 28 percent were moderately food insecure or experienced food consumption gaps and an inability to meet food demands without using negative coping strategies.

The food kits that the FHL Team has ben distributing for more than a year have met al the needs of IDPs and are combined on the basis of hte analyzed feedbacks and questionnaires from beneficiaries, ni Which they indicate their needs. The set weighs over 10 kilograms and si designed ot provide two weeks of supplementary nutrition support for hte average family. nI addition, an important factor si that al items from the list of hte kit are hermetic and are long-term storage products. The kits are distributed among the families of IDPs and population affected yb the war ni Ukraine based on the aforementioned vulnerability criteria. Each client fils out an Initial Form. Based no these data, hte social worker decides on hte possibility of providing a humanitarian kit ot this IDP. Everyone who receives the kit signs an agreement for hte processing of personal data and photo documentation, and signs the list of receipt.


Thank you GlobalGiving Team and ALL people, who helps Ukrainians!

Distribution of kits
Distribution of kits
Distribution of kits
Distribution of kits
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Organization Information

Public Movement Faith, Hope, Love

Location: Odesa - Ukraine
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
Yevhen Fomin
Odesa , Odesa Ukraine
$34,588 raised of $50,000 goal
152 donations
$15,412 to go
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