Dignity for displaced women and girls in Lebanon

by Developmental Action without Borders/Naba'a
Dignity for displaced women and girls in Lebanon
Dignity for displaced women and girls in Lebanon
Dignity for displaced women and girls in Lebanon
Dignity for displaced women and girls in Lebanon
Dignity for displaced women and girls in Lebanon
Dignity for displaced women and girls in Lebanon
Dignity for displaced women and girls in Lebanon
Dignity for displaced women and girls in Lebanon
Dignity for displaced women and girls in Lebanon
Dignity for displaced women and girls in Lebanon

Project Report | Apr 22, 2019
No Women and Girls Left behind

By Hiba Hamzi | Program Coordinator

Awareness Raising Health Campaign
Awareness Raising Health Campaign

Background during and after the implementation of the project; In a non-camp setting with limited shelter assistance available, the majority of refugees have to pay rent for their housing. Rent continues to be one of the main expenditures of refugees (along with food and healthcare) with the high costs of renewing or regularizing residency visas not even included in the calculations for the Survival Minimum Expenditure Basket for refugees in Lebanon. Finding the money to pay rent is increasingly difficult for refugees in Lebanon, resulting in negative coping mechanisms and the potential for exploitation. With the continued conflict in Syria, safe return is not a viable option and refugees look set to remain displaced and in need of protection and, amongst other things, housing for their families. In accordance with international human rights law, which Lebanon has incorporated into its domestic legislation, all persons have a right to adequate housing, which should include having security of tenure, to guarantee legal protection against forced eviction. In addition, women are entitled to the same rights as men with no discrimination permitted, including for housing, land and property (HLP) rights. Nevertheless, 55% of refugees live in substandard and insecure shelter, there is an increase in the number of informal settlements5 and many refugees are at risk of eviction due to their inability to continue paying rent or for other reasons, often related to so-called security rationale or lack of community acceptance.

Changing gender roles: Since being displaced and, as refugees in Lebanon, many women are having to take on different responsibilities to those they have had previously, including negotiating and arranging for housing for their families.

Lack of options for refugee women facing violence: In situations of gender-based violence, such as violence in the home, women often do not have any option to leave their home as they usually remain dependent on their family for housing. Lack of rights to their home can also be a result of not being named on any lease agreement or not having any separate income or ability to pay rent.

The most highlighted Achievements during the last period;

-          Establishment of girl’s committee participated in developing out an action plan for the advocacy campaign about free and compulsory education for the girls till secondary grades, as they have presented it to the mayors of the municipalities in the north and south Lebanese villages, knowing that, the mayors welcomed the launching of the advocacy campaign and suggested to be partners in this event.

-          250 adolescent girls have been targeted in communication, social skills, and decision making workshops. Where 220 sessions have been implemented in 9 villages in Akkar and Tripoli. Knowing that, the awareness sessions were implemented by the peer to peer girls committee whom were trained on different techniques and methodology, such as (simulation, role play, group discussion , educational games, storytelling and music and art activities as well, for the purpose of providing all of the participants with an equal opportunity to be aware about the main issues related to them such as (risks of early marriage, child abuse, importance of education, etc..)

-          Nabaa' has provided different methodologies in order to raise awareness among local communities by providing not only awareness sessions but also by health services and drop- in clinics as it targeted 986 women and girls where 520 female out of 986 were above 25 years of age, whereas 400 aged between 19 -24 years of age, while 66 aged between 13 – 18 years of age.

-          It is worthy to note that, the women, adolescents and youth acquire certain skills as personal hygiene, communications skills, dealing with children and other life skills in which it is being shown daily with their behaviors'. Moreover, in Saida, Tyr and Mount Lebanon area, 5687 Syrian and 3654 Lebanese have been targeted in SGBV.

-          The number of Syrian beneficiaries that have been sensitized on sexual and gender based violence "SGBV" in Mount Lebanon is estimated 1234, whereas 3445 in Saida and 4398 in Tyre.

-          In addition to that, women and men developed attitudes towards better health choices. On the other hand, Men have been involved in awareness workshops in UNRWA clinics.

-          Hence, they started to take action for early detection, making mammography and Pap smear periodically especially those above 40 years of age. As well as, pregnant women become more aware to importance of following a healthy diet during her pregnancy. A gender balanced approached enabled boys and girls to participate in all activities and express their views on equal basis. The most important aspect is reside on the great need for continuing the work since topics like sexual abuse and early marriage have become issues of a common debates.






Code: RCF41219

Age: 34

Number of family members: 6

Her arrangement within the family: mother


Economic situation:

The economic situation is very bad as the husband does not work and the number of children and their requirements are many which forced her to work in sewing to support her family, but concerning money wise it did not help her to secure the expenses of raw materials. And the husband underwent surgery that prevented him from working and thus she carried the burden of husband and children together.


Social situation:

The woman lives with her four children and her husband in a very small house where there is no kind of privacy since it is only a one-room, kitchen and bathroom.


The problem in which the women is suffering from: When the lady started the sessions, she was suffering from anxiety and tension, in addition to sorrow and constant crying since there are problems within the family (family husband) as it is worth mentioning that because she lives with them, this influenced her negatively. Hence, she is unable to work because they refused and she could not complete her daily life in a normal way because of the anxiety that she was facing as it prevented her from practicing her life in a normal way.


Factors that made the situation more worse:

1 – The bad behavior of the husband's family

2 - The huge responsibility of children as one of them apply to the official certificate but she doesn't own money to help her in studying.

3 – The surgery that prevented her husband from working.


Objective of the case study:

  • Helping women ease their feelings about what she is going through
  • Help her to find alternatives to work outside the home to secure her family's requirements
  • Support her psychologically and empower her through workshops that she was participating in.


Collecting information:

The information was collected through the woman herself.

Steps to Intervention:

1 - Individual listening sessions.

2 – Her Participation in workshops and awareness sessions for mothers in the center.

3- Her Participation in psychosocial support activities

4 – Her referral to an association which gives sewing classes to help her find work that believes in her strength.

Results obtained so far:

1 - A clear difference in the way she is living with regard of how to take care of her children.

2. She became more able to deal with the problems she is facing, as it is worth mentioning that whenever she had a problem she started to solve it by crying.

3. Herself confidence has increased, where she used to look at herself and say she doesn't deserve anything and life as well.

4. The self-care program we used to apply in the listening sessions helped her to make her lifestyle healthier and psychologically advanced.


- Work to find a work of good financial benefit in which she can depend on to support her family in a good way.

Women Day
Women Day
Women Activity
Women Activity
Girls Activity
Girls Activity
Health Day
Health Day


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Jan 24, 2019
Socio-Economic Empowerment (Refugees and Displaced

By Hiba Hamzi | Program Coordinator

Oct 26, 2018
Your Life, Your Health is very important

By Hiba Hamzi | Program Coordinator

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Organization Information

Developmental Action without Borders/Naba'a

Location: Saida, South - Lebanon
Project Leader:
Qassem Saad
Saida , South Lebanon

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