Improving reproductive health rights in Uganda

by Share Child Opportunity Eastern and Northen Uganda (SCOEN)
Improving reproductive health rights in Uganda
Improving reproductive health rights in Uganda
Improving reproductive health rights in Uganda
Improving reproductive health rights in Uganda
Improving reproductive health rights in Uganda
Improving reproductive health rights in Uganda
Improving reproductive health rights in Uganda
Improving reproductive health rights in Uganda

Project Report | Jun 21, 2021
Sexual health rights amidst the pandemic in Uganda

By Joyce Arono | Project Leader

With the fresh new lock down being implemented in Uganda, Information on sexual andreproductive health (SRH) is anessential for girls to understandtheir bodies and make informedreproductive choices. However, in rural Teso, the proportion of youthwho have adequate knowledge onsexual and reproductive health(SRH issues) was only at 8 % (PlanInternational Uganda). Themajor challenge is the fact thatsuch matters are considered‘sacred’ or ‘taboo’ and should notbe discussed openly, but rathercommunicated through indirectlanguage or sayings. There is also afear that if SRH information is giventoo early – that is, before marriage –it will ‘spoil’ the girls and incite

them to inappropriate behavior.


Innovative programming is needed toaddress the multiple challenges facedby adolescent girls in Uganda. Each ofthese challenges inhibits a girl’sability to stay and excel in school,

make informed and healthy decisions,and realize her full potential. SCOEN’s SRHR Program was created to addressthese issues in a way that empowersand inspires girls to dream big. Thisprogram’s multi-faceted componentshelp to support, educate, and mentorgirls to overcome these challenges aswell as become active agents ofchange.

Girls and young women faced considerable challenges in accessing essential health information and services even before the crisis. Now, amid a pandemic that is straining even the strongest healthcare systems, there is a real risk that sexual and reproductive health and rights will be deprioritised, with devastating consequences.

School closures and lockdown measures are leading to a shadow pandemic of gender-based violence and rates of child marriage, teenage pregnancy and female genital mutilation are predicted to soar. Girls and young women will die because they cannot access vital sexual and reproductive health information and services. 

We know from past epidemics that a lack of access to essential health services due to a shutdown of services can ultimately cause more deaths than the epidemic itself.

You can help to consolidate reproductive health knowledge among rural communities targeting adolescent girls and young women (AGYW) to support demystification of Sexual Reproductive Health (SRH) myths, misconceptions, increase awareness of SRHR.

Your support is key in solving this problem.Would you consider donating one-time gift of $100 or Monthly gift of $25 to help us to increase awareness of SRHR targeting AGYWs?

Your donation will have an impact on 3200 adolescent girls and young women and will be used to increase awareness of SRHR. Focusing on Family Planning, STIs, antenatal & postnatal services, use of modern contraceptives for dual protection against STIs & unwanted pregnancies among 3200 AGYW.

#StaySafe #COVID-19


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Organization Information

Share Child Opportunity Eastern and Northen Uganda (SCOEN)

Location: Soroti, Eastern Uganda - Uganda
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @Scoenuganda1
Project Leader:
Hellen Ijangolet
Soroti , Eastern Uganda Uganda
$2,713 raised of $23,680 goal
65 donations
$20,967 to go
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