By Joyce Arono | Project Leader
We must endlessly make noise against all of the oppressive power structures women are faced with. Weneed to strongly call out the government and dismantle patriarchal systems for limiting women and withequivalent energy support women in agriculture and food production - Project Officer
Since early 2021, SCOEN has worked to improve reproductive Health Rights among girls and young women (GYW) . The youth-driven project is creating space for GYW to meaningfully participate in local, district, and national decision-making processes. Toooften, girls are left out of the conversation due to ingrained age-based and gender-based discrimination—this leads topolicies and laws that band-aid systemic challenges and barriers GYW face, sometimes even exacerbating them. Without a seat at the table, girls’ voices—in all of their diversity—are not heard. Thanks to our supporters, GYW are being given a platform to speak up for what they need to thrive and contribute to positive, gender-sensitive change.
We have conducteda training of Young Women and Girls, a capacity-strengthening session aimed at growing the advocacy and lobbying potential of young leaders.
GYW discussed the gaps in theimplementation of existing laws and noted that theory does not protect against food insecurity, especially for vulnerable women and girls living in resource-scarce communities. Collectively, they recognized and agreed that most people do not have a basic understanding of laws and policies, and therefore cannot use them to their benefit.
“ If women still don’t have power over their bodies and reproductive rights, then hurdles to nutrition for themis higher to jump over and they will continue to give birth to a large family and fail in feeding them. Also,since their husbands [male partners] still assume power over their bodies, he will dictate how she feeds andnourishes herself, which is limiting to her holistic well-being.”
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