In response to the devastating earthquake in Haiti, Internews is working with local Haitian media and humanitarian aid agencies to get critical information directly to the people who need it most.
With communications systems crippled, Haitians need up-to-date, factual information about their situation: how to find help and how to eventually rebuild. Local journalists need support in reporting effectively on the crisis and its aftermath, and in reestablishing their own broadcasting and publishing capability.
With a team of local reporters, Internews produces a daily humanitarian news broadcast, currently airing on 27 local radio stations.Humanitarian reporting training and technical support are also being provided to local media outlets and individuals.
Equipment, infrastructure and support provided to local Haitian media will improve their ability to inform their communities, ultimately providing Haitians with the information they need to participate in long-term relief and recovery.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).