Help Repair The Bathrooms for Our 450 Students!

by The Education for the Children Foundation (EFTC)
Help Repair The Bathrooms for Our 450 Students!
Help Repair The Bathrooms for Our 450 Students!
Help Repair The Bathrooms for Our 450 Students!
Help Repair The Bathrooms for Our 450 Students!
Help Repair The Bathrooms for Our 450 Students!
Help Repair The Bathrooms for Our 450 Students!
Help Repair The Bathrooms for Our 450 Students!
Help Repair The Bathrooms for Our 450 Students!

Project Report | Sep 16, 2019
We are 20% of the Way to Our Goal!

By Brien K. Ashdown | EFTC USA Executive Director

The generosity of our supporters is amazing and humbling! In just two months, we have raised 20% of our goal - that's over $5,000!  This means we have just about enough money to repair and upgrade one of our four student bathrooms.  This also means we still need to raise the funds to repair and upgrade the other three bathrooms - and we can do it with your help! 

While we can't send you pictures about the progress we've made yet (because we don't quite have enough money to start the repairs yet), we're excited about how soon we will have photographic evidence of the work being conducted. In addition to our fundraiser on GlobalGiving, we have held fundraising events for our bathrooms in Chicago and Salt Lake City, with future events in Denver and Western New York.  Soon, the real work will begin as we pull out toilets and sinks and start installing new pipes and fixtures!

Each bathroom will get new fixtures, new toilets, new sinks, and new stalls.  We'll also re-paint and tile each bathroom, making it easier to keep the rooms clean and healthy for our students. Just imagine four shiny, new, clean bathrooms for our 400+ students at the school - and bathrooms that we'll be better able to maintain and clean!

I hope you'll consider donating to our project again. I don't want to take advantage of your generosity...but I've also seen these bathrooms and I know how desperately we need to repair them. If you can send a few more dollars our way, please do so.  And if you can't, the next best thing would be to have you share the link to our bathroom fundraiser with all your friends, family, and co-workers....and everywhere on social media that you can think of.  The best of both worlds is my dream come true - make another donation and ask your friends and family to contribute!

Our goal is to have the necessary $25,000 raised by October 31, 2019. I can't wait to be able to send you an update that says we've met that goal, and to share photos of our new, shiny, clean bathrooms with you! 

Thanks so much for all you have already done, and for all that I know you'll do for our students in the future. You are making the world a better place in a very real way!


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Project Leader:
Brien Ashdown
Executive Director
Walnut Creek , CA United States

Funded Project!

Combined with other sources of funding, this project raised enough money to fund the outlined activities and is no longer accepting donations.

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