Japan Disaster: Relief & Recovery

by Peace Winds America
Japan Disaster: Relief & Recovery
Japan Disaster: Relief & Recovery
Japan Disaster: Relief & Recovery
Japan Disaster: Relief & Recovery
Japan Disaster: Relief & Recovery
Japan Disaster: Relief & Recovery
Japan Disaster: Relief & Recovery
Japan Disaster: Relief & Recovery
Japan Disaster: Relief & Recovery
Japan Disaster: Relief & Recovery

Project Report | Nov 5, 2019
Typhoon Hagibis Recovery Continues

By Chuck Aanenson | CEO, Peace Winds America

On October 12, 2019, the massive Super Typhoon Hagibis made landfall in Japan. With violent winds and unprecedented amounts of rainfall—more than three feet in 24 hours in some locations—the typhoon caused destruction across a widespread area. The flooding and landslides that followed caused the evacuation of 230,000 homes. Hagibis arrived on the heels of a destructive year in Japan. It was the fourth major rainfall disaster in 14 months.

As of November 1, the death toll passed 80 and 216 were injured. More than 3,000 remain evacuated. Many barriers are slowing recovery, including muddy roads and lack of electricity, including to hospitals.

Peace Winds continues to assist those displaced by the typhoon, from managing evacuation shelters to providing medical aid, essential items like linens and bedding, and emergency medical kits. The Peace Winds medical team is helping move hospitalized patients from Nagano’s Rehabilitation Center which is flooded and out of electricity. Another hospital, Sanikukai Clinic (in Toyonomachi, Nagano prefecture), is still out of electricity, and many patients are waiting to be transported to safer hospitals. Peace Winds will continue to help these patients relocate and meet their needs.

We continue to monitor the needs of displaced people, especially women, children, and the elderly. This project will assist those who have lost their homes and those who cannot yet return.

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Torrential rains trigger floods and landslides SouthWestern Japan.

By Chuck Aanenson | CEO, Peace Winds America

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Recovery after April 2016 Kumamoto earthquakes

By Charles Aanenson | CEO, Peace Winds America

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Organization Information

Peace Winds America

Location: Washington, DC - USA
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @PWAmerica
Project Leader:
Jim Gannon
Washington , DC United States

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