Japan Disaster: Relief & Recovery

by Peace Winds America
Japan Disaster: Relief & Recovery
Japan Disaster: Relief & Recovery
Japan Disaster: Relief & Recovery
Japan Disaster: Relief & Recovery
Japan Disaster: Relief & Recovery
Japan Disaster: Relief & Recovery
Japan Disaster: Relief & Recovery
Japan Disaster: Relief & Recovery
Japan Disaster: Relief & Recovery
Japan Disaster: Relief & Recovery

Project Report | Sep 6, 2019
Torrential rains trigger floods and landslides SouthWestern Japan.

By Chuck Aanenson | CEO, Peace Winds America

In late August, torrential rains triggered floods and landslides in Saga and Fukaoka Prefectures.  The City of Saga seen in the photo was heavily hit.  The government authorities of the Fire and Disasters Management Agency ordered more than 900,000 people to evacuate their homes.

Peace Winds quickly responded with emergency relief and moving evacuees to centers, supplying the centers with food and water, and air conditioning fans.  Now Peace Winds is aiding by cleaning houses, and helping people, who are able, return to their homes.   Peace Winds is providing linens, kitchen utensils, and small appliances.

Until the late summer floods, natural disasters had been infrequent in 2019, in contrast to 2018.  Peace Winds has been focusing on disaster preparedness in the Western Japan.  Though Japan is one of the most disaster prepared nations, Peace Winds continues to work with officials, communities, schools, and individuals providing preparedness training, construction skills/techniques, and mobility/escape methods and routes.   

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Organization Information

Peace Winds America

Location: Washington, DC - USA
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @PWAmerica
Project Leader:
Jim Gannon
Washington , DC United States

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