Japan Disaster: Relief & Recovery

by Peace Winds America
Japan Disaster: Relief & Recovery
Japan Disaster: Relief & Recovery
Japan Disaster: Relief & Recovery
Japan Disaster: Relief & Recovery
Japan Disaster: Relief & Recovery
Japan Disaster: Relief & Recovery
Japan Disaster: Relief & Recovery
Japan Disaster: Relief & Recovery
Japan Disaster: Relief & Recovery
Japan Disaster: Relief & Recovery

Project Report | Jul 25, 2023
Emergency Relief and Cleanup Following Floods

By Sarah Maraschky | Communications Associate

Emergency supplies donations
Emergency supplies donations

Peace Winds’ airborne search-and-rescue team, ARROWS, continues to provide various types of support in Fukuoka and Saga Prefectures following the heavy rains, flooding, and mudslides that struck the area on July 10. Damage to homes is more severe than initially reported, and aid groups are working to clear debris and clean up flooded houses. Peace Winds has provided supplies such as work gloves, flashlights, and tarps to support cleanup activities.

To support flood survivors, Peace Winds provided large water tanks for carrying water to the Saga City Volunteer Center. The center is supporting residents during restoration work on their homes that have had their water supply cut off due to landslides. Peace Winds also delivered tents to the Saga Disaster Assistance Plaftform’s base in Karatsu.

Although the rain has cleared and conditions in northern Kyushu are sunny, the weather now presents a different challenge. Social welfare councils, which are working with support groups and volunteers to meet residents’ needs and restore houses, are warning people to be cautious of heatstroke during the day. At the request of these groups, Peace Winds delivered beverages such as sports drinks to the aid groups in Saga City and Kurume City.

Many of the affected areas of northern Kyushu are mountainous, making it difficult to transport aid kits over the narrow roads and steep slopes. To help with this, Peace Winds provided an electric transport vehicle to Nanayama, an area that was particularly damaged in the floods. A support group working in this area was very grateful as they are now able to deliver supplies to survivors more easily. “This is very helpful,” said a representative of the group, “because an electric vehicle like this can go up hills that ordinary vehicles can’t.”

There are areas in Kurume City that are still inaccessible due to landslides, and the need for basic supplies and cleanup support will continue as northern Kyushu works to rebuild. Peace Winds will remain in the area providing aid to survivors, and we will bring updates as we are able. We thank you for your continued support.

Water tanks
Water tanks
Mudslide damage
Mudslide damage
Electric vehicle and emergency donations
Electric vehicle and emergency donations
Emergency supplies donations
Emergency supplies donations
Emergency supplies donations
Emergency supplies donations
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Peace Winds America

Location: Washington, DC - USA
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @PWAmerica
Project Leader:
Jim Gannon
Washington , DC United States

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