Lifeskills for 2,587 Children in South Africa

by Keep The Dream196
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Lifeskills for 2,587 Children in South Africa
Lifeskills for 2,587 Children in South Africa
Lifeskills for 2,587 Children in South Africa
Lifeskills for 2,587 Children in South Africa
Lifeskills for 2,587 Children in South Africa
Lifeskills for 2,587 Children in South Africa
Lifeskills for 2,587 Children in South Africa
Lifeskills for 2,587 Children in South Africa
Lifeskills for 2,587 Children in South Africa
Lifeskills for 2,587 Children in South Africa
Lifeskills for 2,587 Children in South Africa
Lifeskills for 2,587 Children in South Africa
Lifeskills for 2,587 Children in South Africa
Lifeskills for 2,587 Children in South Africa
Lifeskills for 2,587 Children in South Africa
Lifeskills for 2,587 Children in South Africa
Lifeskills for 2,587 Children in South Africa

Project Report | Feb 18, 2014
Superstar - here we are!!

By Louise Batty | Managing Director


Dear Friends and partners,

Firstly I must apologise to you all, we reached SUPERSTAR status in the middle of last year but I was remiss of informing you and I wanted to apologise because you helped us get there. SUPERSTAR status allows us to access funding from Global Giving donors and participate in special giving days, to keep this status we need to have a people donate monthly, however I just wanted to say thank you for your committment and support.

We had a very tough year last year with 3 key staff becoming ill and requiring hospitalisation and operations but what was particularly wonderful throughout the whole drama, which lasted 6months, KTD196 did not skip a beat. We are a small organization with only 3 fulltime staff, the loss of one staff member for a season could have been catastrophic never lone 2 fulltime staff and another part timer however all of the staff stepped up and covered for those on the sick list. All activities were completed and the children didnt notice. This is a real testimony to our sustainability for the future and our succession planning in the present.

Other success's include:

  • In 2013, we had 47 students sit matric

             - 14 received Bachelor level entry to university

             -13 received Diploma entry to university

             - 9 received certificate level entry to university

             - 11 unfortunately failed

All of these student have managed to access further education even those who failed are attending Technical College through our support and direction they also have been able to access bursary's. Those with degree level entry are doing a variety of courses including: Law, Medicine and Business studies. By going on to tertiary studies this will assist the children/young adults to break the cycle of poverty which has plagued their lives.

  • In 2013, we still had a 0.07%/pa teenage pregnancy rate where the provincial rate is 13%
  • 10% of all children's natural deaths (excluding murders) in our province are suicide related - none of our children have suicide because of our support interventions, however it is a different story once these kids leave the program. One young lady who left our program for a year tells her story below. For Nosiswe's privacy I will not include a photo.

Voice of the Child:

I have made a lot of bad choices and decisions after leaving Scouts at aged 17. I did things that I wouldn't have done if I was still a scout. I decided to stop going to scouts early last year and since then life became hard for me in some ways. Scouts helped me get where I am today, if it weren't for 1st Shiluvane Scouts I wouldn't be in university. Scouts disciplined me, gave me focus and enabled me to have dreams.

I decided to enroll myself with the university that best offers law degree (LLB) University of Limpopo. After quitting Scouts I lost focus, my mind was all over the place, I neglected my studies and I would stay in my room whenever I didn't feel like going to class. I didn't know why I was studying, I lost interest and just wanted to have fun. At least I managed to pass 8 out of 10 courses, it was not bad at all but I know I can do a lot better than that. I just needed to focus and I know that at Scouts that’s where I’m going to get motivated, that’s why I decided to go back.

Keep The Dream196 is the best campus one can ever have.

My mother is never around, her life is in Johannesburg, I have been growing up alone, I had no one to guide me but KTD196 gave me all the guidance I needed. Scouts helped me make wiser decisions about my life. I even started drinking which was the most stupid move I have ever made, I would drink to get intoxicated because that was my way of having fun. Intoxication lowers thinking and reasoning capacity, so I did crazy and stupid things due to intoxication and some of those things nearly cost me my life. I reached a point where I felt that life was just not worth living. I then decided to commit suicide by taking an overdose of pills.

Fortunately I was hospitalized in time and decided to keep this a secret from my family. Life was just hell for me last year but I brought this on myself. After all this I sat down and did some introspection. I realized that I got lost the moment I left KTD196 and stopped living like a Scout.

I finally decided to go back to Scouts and joined 1st Shiluvane Rover Crew. I’m doing much better than last year and this year, with the determination that I have, I'm going to bring out the best in me and I know that with the Scouts and Rovers in my life I will achieve anything I want to achieve. Scouts is definitely the way to go! Once a Scout always a Scout. Nosiswe - A returned Rover

Our work is very impactual at so many different levels. We are bringing parents closer to their children and children closer to their parents. Our kids are having good success at school and we are seeing our young adults return as leaders to assist the next generation.

As an organization we have been working for 10yrs now changing the lives of so many children. We have been able to have that success because of you our supporters. On May 7th 2014 Global Giving is holding a bonus day, any donation on this day will be doubled. Please if you are thinking about making a once off donation try and remember this day. If you would like to change your status from once off to monthly please go to our donation page. Every dollar/rand counts and we are grateful for all the help we receive.

Voice of the Child

I am Nkhensani, I live in Burgersdorp. I am going to turn 20yrs on 5th November 2013. I am currently studying information technology in Phalobowra. The reason I joined was my mother pushed me because she knew something about this organization and she knew I would need Scouts in the future.

Now my life has changed because of Scouts. I have realized Scouts is fantastic. I know how to respect people, how to plant and grow vegetables and how to help people when they are sick. The most important thing I have learned is to take care of my family. I remember when my mother died, I was supposed to take care of my younger sister. I did that because I was knowing how to take of some one and I thank Louise, Akela Zabe and Akela Catherine for supporting me and for teaching me lots of things concerning my life. I like to encourage young children to join Scouts because scouts helps people at all times for example teaching you things you wont learn at school but it is part of your life.

Nkhensani - Assistant Troop Scouter 1st Burgersdorp Troop & Rover with Marula Rover Crew.

Nkhensani's food garden for her and her sister
Nkhensani's food garden for her and her sister


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Nov 11, 2013
The Future is bright but we need your help!

By Louise Batty | Managing Director

Sep 3, 2013
Amazing Impact for a small investment Sept 2013

By Louise Batty | Managing Director

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Organization Information

Keep The Dream196

Location: Tzaneen, Limpopo - South Africa
Project Leader:
Louise Batty
Tzaneen , Limpopo South Africa
$374,280 raised of $450,000 goal
4,719 donations
$75,720 to go
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