You Can Give Kids in India Clean Water

by Splash
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You Can Give Kids in India Clean Water
You Can Give Kids in India Clean Water
You Can Give Kids in India Clean Water


Splash is at the forefront of a growing movement to ensure that children in urban poverty have the resources they need to thrive and realize their full potential. We provide water, sanitation, and hygiene hardware (water filters, handwashing and drinking stations, toilet construction) and custom hygiene education to students, staff, and local communities. Your generosity brings dignity, good health, opportunity, and joy to kids in Kolkata and others just like them!

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monthly donors


Kolkata's water, sanitation, and hygiene conditions in government schools are extremely poor, negatively affecting the health, education, and dignity of the poorest children. In 2015, Splash conducted a citywide baseline survey of schools which revealed some alarming conditions. 70% of schools had water what tested positive for Total Coliform and 56% tested positive for E. coli. While 91% of schools had a toilet, 33% had no water for flushing and 34% had no lighting, 35% lacked a lock or door.


Splash has developed a holistic WASH intervention designed to be durable, scalable, and cost-efficient for governments to adopt for the long-term. We aim to implement this intervention in 100% of schools in Kolkata - 1,250 kindergarten, primary, and secondary serving approximately 400,000 children. We will: 1) Improve WASH infrastructure in schools to create an environment for healthy behaviors, 2) Promote WASH behavior change in kids, and 3) Rehabilitate and improve sanitation facilities.

Long-Term Impact

Your support will: reduce illness and days of school missed; improve health and, thereby, greatly increase each child's chance to fulfill his or her maximum potential; impact the entire community when children take clean water and healthy behaviors home and; in many cases, give the larger community access to our free, clean water. Funds directed to this project will support programmatic sustainability efforts in Kolkata, India.

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).


Organization Information


Location: Seattle, WA - USA
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @Splash_org
Project Leader:
Splash International
Dev. Assistant
Seattle , WA United States

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