Life Skills and Peer Education for Chadian Youth

by International Blue Cross
Life Skills and Peer Education for Chadian Youth
Life Skills and Peer Education for Chadian Youth
Life Skills and Peer Education for Chadian Youth
Life Skills and Peer Education for Chadian Youth
Life Skills and Peer Education for Chadian Youth
Life Skills and Peer Education for Chadian Youth
Life Skills and Peer Education for Chadian Youth
Life Skills and Peer Education for Chadian Youth
Life Skills and Peer Education for Chadian Youth
Life Skills and Peer Education for Chadian Youth
Life Skills and Peer Education for Chadian Youth
Life Skills and Peer Education for Chadian Youth
Life Skills and Peer Education for Chadian Youth
Life Skills and Peer Education for Chadian Youth
Life Skills and Peer Education for Chadian Youth
Life Skills and Peer Education for Chadian Youth

Project Report | Jan 21, 2019
Free from Gender-based Oppression

By Noemi Zulauf | Project Assistant

Carine, 15 years old, N'Djamena

“I was trained as a peer educator this year. Our education had a strong focus on GBV (gender-based violence). During the training I realized that I was exposed to psychological violence at home and at school, that I was humiliated just because I was a girl. I took the courage to talk to my parents about it and claim my rights. Now my brothers share the housework that I had to do alone before. I am proud that I no longer tolerate gender-specific violence, I have learned many new things. Thank you Blue Cross!”


Alisa, 16 years old, N'Djamena

“I have already participated in several activities of the Blue Cross in Chad. I was able to improve my life a lot. Before that I was often sexually harassed, by boys and also by my boyfriend. I was always afraid of harassment and had no courage to leave the house, I was always stressed. My boyfriend raped me several times, but I didn't tell anyone, not even my parents. During the Blue Cross awareness campaign about gender-specific violence and thanks to the good advice of the Blue Cross, I found the courage to tell my parents the truth. My boyfriend had to go to prison and pay a fine. Today I feel free, thanks to the Blue Cross.”


These are just two of many stories in which the lives of young adults, especially girls, were changed by the activities of the Blue Cross in Chad last year. With your donation many more young people can be freed from oppression and get to know their rights. 

Help to ensure that global change and the fight against social injustice continue in 2019!


The programme focus of "Life Skills and Peer Education" in 2019 will increasingly be on gender-based violence, as beneficiaries and other actors reveal a high level of violence. Violence between the sexes is poorly punished in society and is largely associated with high alcohol consumption. Since the target group is at an age at which values for future life are established, this provides an opportunity to raise awareness of the issue. Various camps and school activities are organised for this purpose.

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Oct 25, 2018
The WHO highlights the Importance of supporting the Youth in Chad

By Noemi Zulauf | Project Assistant

Jul 31, 2018
Life Skills Education back on track after political turmoil - Chad

By Anne Babb | General Secretary of International Blue Cross

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Organization Information

International Blue Cross

Location: Bern - Switzerland
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @BlueCrossTweets
Project Leader:
Anne Babb
Bern , Bern Switzerland

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