Advance Relief Efforts for Refugees in Greece

by Lighthouse Relief
Advance Relief Efforts for Refugees in Greece
Advance Relief Efforts for Refugees in Greece
Advance Relief Efforts for Refugees in Greece
Advance Relief Efforts for Refugees in Greece
Advance Relief Efforts for Refugees in Greece
Advance Relief Efforts for Refugees in Greece
Advance Relief Efforts for Refugees in Greece
Advance Relief Efforts for Refugees in Greece
Advance Relief Efforts for Refugees in Greece
Advance Relief Efforts for Refugees in Greece
Advance Relief Efforts for Refugees in Greece
Advance Relief Efforts for Refugees in Greece

Project Report | Dec 11, 2018
Winter Report

By Arthur Peirce | Project Leader


2018 has proven be one of the busiest years since our work began.  The number of landings that we’ve assisted this year far exceed those of 2017. On the mainland, many people remain waiting for permission to relocate. Some have lived in Ritsona for over two years.

Although the school year began in September, it has taken many months for all Children in Ritsona to attend school. Indeed, secondary and high-school aged children have only started, despite the Christmas break being imminent.

Ritsona remains at full capacity.
This is the context in which we work.

Thanks to your continuing kind donations, we have been able to provide the same high standard of aid and support that we have become known for.

In September we launched, with assistance both from your donations, and the SOL Foundation an exciting Football Relief initiative. We have hired a professional UEFA Licensed coach to provide professional level football coaching for children and youth in Ritsona. Football is a sport that has always been in popular in the camp, so these workshops have quickly proven to be one of the most popular activities that we host in Ritsona. The young players have become incredibly skilled and passionate about the game. Soon we are planning on taking the children to play in the nearby city of Chalkida.
Seeing the children transition enthusiastic individual players into disciplined teams has been a highlight of the year for some of LHR’s staff.  

In addition to this, we have been able to provide some tennis coaching, including one wonderful workshop focused on the Girls of Ritsona who have traditionally avoided participation in Lighthouse Relief’s sports activities.
This increased focus on sports has been extremely well received by our beneficiaries. This is something we hope to continue to provide and develop for some time.   

Over the past few months, the Youth Engagement Space has undergone a major and spectacular renovation and re-painting. It has become  a truly vibrant space of colour, it is a true testament to the spirit of collaboration and creativity the YES fosters.
To go alongside this renovation, we have received a kind donation of a table-football set which has quickly become one of the most popular leisure activities in the YES.

The creativity of the YES visitors has been expressed in full recently, thanks to the release of the  8th Edition of the Ritsona Kingdom Journal on the 7th of December. As ever, we are proud to display the brilliant artwork, stories, poetry, and photography of the residents of Ritsona.
Once again we worked with Narratio, and UN Ambassador Ahmed Badr to give the online edition of RKJ the presentation it deserves.


The Child Friendly Space remains as popular as ever. Since our last report we have seen several new children arrive in Ritsona who quickly became regular attendees of the space.

Many of the CFS’s boys attend the Football workshops. This has given them a great outlet to focus their energies productively. With its popularity, attendance of the CFS and After-School club remains high.

We still maintain a parents group, which is now led by a Kurdish speaking volunteer. It has become an important space for the parents of CFS children to interact with us, and share their concerns.
The parents group means that the CFS doesn’t just care for the children, but the families of Ritsona as well.

We recently hosted a team of journalists from Poland who helped to connect the children of the CFS with children in Warsaw. The building of bridges of between cultures is something that Lighthouse Relief is passionate about. So it was great to share our work with them


Overall, both spaces have remained open and operating well despite frequent changes in staff and volunteers. Indeed our warm and welcoming spaces remain in high demand this cold winter. Without your kind donations it is uncertain if this would have been achievable.


In Lesvos, our Eco Relief team recently closed for the winter.
Thanks to their hard work, they were able to clear countless tonnes of waste from the beaches of Northern Lesvos.


Thanks to your donations, our Lesvos team have been able to purchase a vehicle which has greatly improved increased our ability to respond to new arrivals. This has proven to be vital due to the unexpectedly high numbers of people landing on the shore.

Lighthouse Relief has become a fundamental part of the humanitarian aid architecture in Ritsona and Northern Lesvos. Every month we assist hundreds of people. This would be impossible without your assistance.

Football in Ritsona
Football in Ritsona
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Sep 13, 2018
This summer for Lighthouse Relief

By Arthur Peirce | Communications Assistant

Jun 15, 2018
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Organization Information

Lighthouse Relief

Location: Vällingby/Stockholm - Sweden
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @LighthouseRR
Project Leader:
Marie-Hélène Rousseau
Solna , Sweden

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Combined with other sources of funding, this project raised enough money to fund the outlined activities and is no longer accepting donations.

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