Literacy for Malawi

by CharChar Literacy
Literacy for Malawi
Literacy for Malawi
Literacy for Malawi
Literacy for Malawi
Literacy for Malawi
Literacy for Malawi
Literacy for Malawi
Literacy for Malawi
Literacy for Malawi
Literacy for Malawi
Literacy for Malawi
Literacy for Malawi
Literacy for Malawi
Literacy for Malawi
Literacy for Malawi
Literacy for Malawi
Literacy for Malawi
Literacy for Malawi
Literacy for Malawi
Literacy for Malawi

Project Report | May 13, 2022
January - April 2022 | Update

By Toby Gould | Digital Fundraising Manager

Andrew, Senior Education Officer
Andrew, Senior Education Officer

Context during the period

Malawi is facing many challenges at the present time, from extreme weather events to Covid impacts. The poorest are those who are impacted most. Malawi is highly vulnerable to climate change impacts and in recent decades the frequency of extreme weather-related events, floods, droughts and prolonged periods of high daily temperatures, has noticeably increased. This year, the maize crop was negatively impacted due to the irregular rains and impacts of Cyclone Ana.  Cyclone Ana hit at the end of January bringing with it intense rainfall and flooding. About 221,000 people were displaced and infrastructure damaged by severe flooding in the Southern region. 

This challenging physical environment and need for investment in natural resource management is the space where children grow up making our work more urgent and your contributions all the more valuable.

Covid continues to impact learning and with just 4.8% of the population fully vaccinated this will not change in the short term. The current academic year has again been compressed (January - September) for the second year running, which presents its own challenges and obstacles to teaching and learning. The next academic year will hopefully return to a more normal one and we’re expecting it to run from late September 2022 to July 2023.

How your support is helping

New demonstration school programme: Our next step towards transforming literacy in Malawi

We’re really excited to be building on the success of our pilot programme, which increased children’s literacy by 433% in just one year. We are now able to provide CharChar trained and supported teachers to a government demonstration primary school in Lilongwe. We’ve secured funding to run our programme in the school for two years, where we’ll be showcasing how to accelerate children’s literacy with our long-term partner Emmanuel University.

Our Senior Education Officer, Andrew Mchisa, has already started training 2 newly qualified teachers in foundational literacy. As the programme progresses Andrew will be mentoring the literacy specialist teachers in the classroom on a daily basis.

Partnership with Emmanuel University

We’ve continued to work closely with Emmanuel University, where the third intake of students has been successfully incorporated. We’re now finalising a numeracy handbook which uses the UK syllabus for lecturers to use with student-teachers, and student-teachers can use with children, while Andrew has started supporting lecturers with face to face CPD. 

Strengthening Teacher Education and Practice (STEP) with Florida State University

We are thrilled to be part of a consortium of organisations receiving funding to improve teacher training in Malawi through Florida State University. and other international and local organisations, we’ll be working across 16 teacher training colleges to improve tutors; understanding and delivery of phonics-based literacy skills.

The programme launches next month – get the latest updates by signing up to our mailing list!


Will you help to empower children in Malawi with literacy?

Our demonstration schools directly support children with life-changing literacy education. With every donation, you can reach more children and set them up for the best future possible!

Will you please set up a monthly donation today? They help to create a long term impact, and right now when you set up a monthly donation through GlobalGiving it is being matched at 100%* (see details below).

Click here to set up a monthly donation


*New monthly donations (up to $200 per unique donor) will have their first donation matched at 100% after four (4) total payments

Your donations help more children to learn
Your donations help more children to learn
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Organization Information

CharChar Literacy

Location: Woolacombe, Devon - United Kingdom
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @charchar_the
Project Leader:
Toby Gould
London , United Kingdom
$19,381 raised of $50,000 goal
189 donations
$30,619 to go
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