SFK aims to sustainably bring back water, forest and life to degraded lands in Samburu County, Kenya, supporting local populations towards food self-sufficiency. The goal is to create forests of indigenous, food-producing trees that will provide long-term food security to the Samburu tribe while simultaneously curbing climate change. This is achieved through innovative training at our centre, as well as the distribution, cooperative planting and follow-up care of tree seedlings in the community.
The Samburu of northern Kenya depend on livestock for income and food. Increasingly frequent droughts due to climate change as well as social shifts and overgrazing have contributed to extreme environmental degradation and the deterioration of livestock assets. This has left Samburus malnourished and dependent on food aid for survival. While many are interested in agriculture and alternatives, they lack the knowledge and resources to undertake meaningful, environmentally friendly interventions.
The project provides local people with knowledge, skills and resources to practice sustainable agro-forestry. Not only will it help them to achieve food self-sufficiency, but it will concurrently mitigate climate change. The Learning Centre hosts trainings in dryland tree planting and water/soil conservation, followed by cooperative planting of food-bearing trees around local homes. Ultimately food security and disaster resilience will be achieved through sustainable ecosystem transformation.
The project will impact at least 2,500 Samburu households, the equivalent of 12,500 people, ensuring that they have long-term access to food and clean water, which will improve livelihoods and health and reduce food aid dependency. Trees will provide nutritious food and firewood which will reduce women's workload and increase livelihood diversification. In addition, ecosystems of the region will be transformed, with increased rainfall, less frequent droughts and higher underground water levels.
This project has provided additional documentation in a XLSX file (projdoc.xlsx).
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