Making Culture Sustainable Globally

by Stichting Ki Culture
Making Culture Sustainable Globally
Making Culture Sustainable Globally
Making Culture Sustainable Globally
Making Culture Sustainable Globally


How can we make society sustainable through culture? How can we make culture sustainable? Ki Culture and its branch organization, Sustainability in Conservation, provide answers and solutions through training, online resource centers and our Ki Futures Programs. By linking culture with sustainability and linking sustainability to society, we can achieve real, holistic change for people and the planet.

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In the US alone, museums produce over 12 million metric tons of CO2 yearly. That's the equivalent of more than 2.6 million cars driven every day for a year! The way we currently house, care for, and enjoy culture is unsustainable and needs to change. The move to a sustainable future also requires a collective shift in behaviors. 95,000 museums worldwide offer an opportunity by teaching the world how to be sustainable and leading by example by becoming sustainable themselves.


Ki Culture's programming is both unique and far-reaching. Our activities focus on communication, education and tangible action and are geared toward professionals globally. By creating worldwide databases of information for the cultural heritage community and providing instructional manuals and direct support, Ki Culture delivers the necessary solutions for sustainable operations and education.

Long-Term Impact

The ability of cultural institutions to effect real change underlies everything that we do. Ki Culture's comprehensive and holistic approach addresses key issues affecting both cultural heritage and society. Through our work the cultural heritage sector may rise to the challenge of implementing a sustainable future for all.

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).


Organization Information

Stichting Ki Culture

Location: Amsterdam, North Holland - Netherlands
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @CultureKi
Stichting Ki Culture
Caitlin Southwick
Project Leader:
Caitlin Southwick
Amsterdam , North Holland Netherlands

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