Meals for 1850 Young Students in Pakistan

by Fatima Memorial Hospital
Meals for 1850 Young Students in Pakistan

Project Report | Jan 11, 2024
Transforming Lives through Daily Meals - Donate!

By Fatima Memorial Hospital | Not for Profit

In 1985, the NUR Community Outreach Program (NCOP) embarked on a mission to alleviate poverty through improved education, health, and economic development. A significant initiative under NCOP, the NUR Food Bank, strives to provide daily meals to underprivileged children at the NUR Foundation Schools. This report aims to shed light on the critical need for daily meals, the current status of donations, and the long-term impact on addressing food insecurity in Pakistan.

Current Status of Fundraising:

Total Goal: $74,000
Remaining Amount: $54,119
Donors: 117
Monthly Donors: 1
Fundraisers: 1
Years of Operation: 9

Children at NUR Foundation Schools face economic hardships, hindering their access to basic necessities like daily meals. Limited funds have restricted the provision of meals to a weekly basis, impacting the children's ability to focus on studies.

Ensuring daily provision of healthy meals is crucial for underprivileged students at NUR Foundation schools to excel academically. Donations play a pivotal role in making this vision a reality.

Long-Term Impact:
Alleviating hunger and improving children's health not only benefits the immediate community but contributes to lowering Pakistan's Hunger Score and fostering socio-economic success on a national scale.

Addressing Food Insecurity in Pakistan:

Current Scenario: Nearly 43% of the population faces food insecurity, with 18% experiencing severe food insecurity.
Root Causes: Heavy reliance on agriculture, coupled with challenges like climate change and water scarcity, contributes to the problem.
Impact on Children: Shockingly, 38% of children under five suffer from stunting due to food insecurity.
Challenges Amplified by COVID-19:

Lockdowns have led to income reductions and disruptions in food supply and production.
Households struggle to maintain the quality and quantity of their food consumption.

Call to Action: Maximizing Donations for Lasting Change

To address these challenges comprehensively, we must maximize donations and support organizations like NUR Foundation and Fatima Memorial Hospital. Their efforts are pivotal in tackling food insecurity, especially during the added challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

How Donations Make a Difference:

  • Ensure daily provision of nutritious meals for children at NUR Foundation Schools.
  • Support outreach activities that alleviate food insecurity in Pakistan.
  • Contribute to long-term solutions by addressing root causes and promoting sustainable initiatives.

The need for daily meals is urgent, and every donation brings us closer to transforming lives and breaking the cycle of poverty. Let's unite in maximizing donations to ensure a brighter future for the children at NUR Foundation Schools and contribute to the broader goal of achieving universal food security in Pakistan. Together, we can make a lasting impact on the well-being of communities and build a future where no child goes to bed hungry.

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Organization Information

Fatima Memorial Hospital

Location: Lahore, Punjab - Pakistan
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @nur_crp
Project Leader:
Arif Kabani
Lahore , Punjab Pakistan
$20,784 raised of $74,000 goal
280 donations
$53,216 to go
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