Medical/Dental/Optical Fund poor children/families

by Hand to Hand Foundation
Medical/Dental/Optical Fund poor children/families
Medical/Dental/Optical Fund poor children/families
Medical/Dental/Optical Fund poor children/families
Medical/Dental/Optical Fund poor children/families
Medical/Dental/Optical Fund poor children/families
Medical/Dental/Optical Fund poor children/families
Medical/Dental/Optical Fund poor children/families
Medical/Dental/Optical Fund poor children/families
Medical/Dental/Optical Fund poor children/families
Medical/Dental/Optical Fund poor children/families
Medical/Dental/Optical Fund poor children/families
Medical/Dental/Optical Fund poor children/families
Medical/Dental/Optical Fund poor children/families
Medical/Dental/Optical Fund poor children/families

Project Report | May 13, 2024
A little help makes life long changes!

By Margaret Grainger | Vice President

Moana learning fine motor skills
Moana learning fine motor skills

It has been an exciting few months and we have been able to help hundreds of people receive free dental care.

Khun Waan is a 56 year old lady who came to hand to hand many years ago. For most of her life she did not have access to adequate nutrition, dental or health services. This resulted in most of her teeth falling out. Without being able to chew her food, she had severe digestion issues which caused considerable pain. Hand to hand taught her how to grow food and she is also in out adult education program learning to read and write. Last month we had the funds to get her to a dentist and she now has a full set of false teeth. She can chew and smile. Her overall health has improved dramatically and it is like she has a whole new life! Amazing the transformation teeth can make!

Moana is a little girl born to a very poor mum from the slums. Although she is 3 years old, developmentally she is still at a 10 month old level. Through your generosity we have been able to take her to specialist pediatricians. She is now in occupational therapy and speech therapy two times per week. She has many challenges ahead of her, but with access to doctors and therapy her future looks bright. Access to medical services is literally transforming her life.

Working in the local slums we have so many people in desperate need. Ma Mon has given her life to help the poor and she cares for many children every day that are not her own. She desperately needs surgery on her knee otherwise in 1-2 years she will be unable to walk and care for children. Every day she is in great pain but she soldiers on to help the children. 

Every bit helps to buy basic medicine, provide therapy and even surgeries. Thank you so much for all your support.

*Not constituent's full name

Speech therapy
Speech therapy
Gross motor skills therapy
Gross motor skills therapy
Moana can now feed herself!
Moana can now feed herself!
A giant smile from Waan with her new teeth!
A giant smile from Waan with her new teeth!
A big smile after lots of dental care.
A big smile after lots of dental care.
My teeth are all healthy
My teeth are all healthy
Mon needs surgery so she can care for others kids.
Mon needs surgery so she can care for others kids.
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Organization Information

Hand to Hand Foundation

Location: Pattaya - Thailand
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
Margaret Grainger
Pattaya , Chom Buri Thailand

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