This fund had been established in 2009 to support the students of METU who are successfull but poor.METU is located in Ankara,Turkey.It is placed on the 85th rank of the list of 'Best Universities of the World' depending on the research which was made by Times Higer Education in 2015.It has 30.000 students who are basically from Turkey besides 20 foreign countries.Education language is English. 4 million students compete with each other to educate in METU,but only 5000 of them can get acceptance
Most of poor students come from rural areas of the country,Some of them succeed to get the acceptance but they don't have enough money for meals and bed.Some of them are orphans or have fragmented families. So they have to turn back to their willages and towns. That is why they need scholarships.585 students have scholarships in 2023 ,next year 650 students will be supported. Scholarship holders also gets social and cultural supports and are interested in sociaL responsibility projects.
If these students are not supported by scolarships,they loose the chance to graduate from the university although they had got highest points in the examination of university acceptance.Turkey is a developing country but average education is primary school.We need much more educated people.Scholarships solve their monetary problems.On the other hand mentors who are older graduates help to eliminate their social, psychological and cultural problems in the meetings which ara organized in campus.
All scholarship holders are being supported by the coachs besides mentors.This project aims to support all students who are successfull but need of money..METU graduates are being seeked and preferred by international companies in the World.So these students will have the same chance.While supporting successfull students one of our aims is to create young generations who believe in universal values such as democracy,secularism,human rights,woman-man equality,anti racism etc.
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