Offer Hope for 300 Youth in the Dominican Republic

by The Bienvenido Project (FUNFONAVI)
Offer Hope for 300 Youth in the Dominican Republic
Offer Hope for 300 Youth in the Dominican Republic
Offer Hope for 300 Youth in the Dominican Republic
Offer Hope for 300 Youth in the Dominican Republic
Offer Hope for 300 Youth in the Dominican Republic
Offer Hope for 300 Youth in the Dominican Republic
Offer Hope for 300 Youth in the Dominican Republic
Offer Hope for 300 Youth in the Dominican Republic

Project Report | Jan 17, 2018
Why we do what we do

By Laura Collazo | United States Coordinator

Meet Michela!!!
Meet Michela!!!

There are many reasons why we do what we do at The Bienvenido Project. You could look at it from a mission stand point; to offer hope of a life beyond poverty to the youth in Bienvenido, or from an alturistic standpoint; to selflessly give to those most in need. But you can also look at it from the standpoint of the youth, and the difference it makes in their lives. Today, we want to share Michela's story with you. 

Michela is 6 years old, and known as a sweet, loving girl. She lives with her mom, step-dad, and two brothers, ages 1 and 4 years. Although Michela's Mom works very hard to provide for the family, they still live in extreme poverty. Aware of the need in this family, we have been able to help by providing Michela with a scholarship for school, as well as additional help with her clothing and shoes. 

Not long after the school year began, we found out that Michela had become very ill and was no longer able to attend school. When we went to the house to check on her, we found out a large part of this was because her and her 4-year-old brother did not have a bed and had been sleeping on the floor. We were able to bring her to the doctor, purchase the medication she needed, and provide a bed for the family.

We also learned that Michela had become the primary caregiver for her two younger brothers as a result of her no longer being in school. We were able to sit down with her parents and explain that the responsibility that had been placed on her was too much. Michela needed to get healthy again and return to school. The parents agreed to make the needed changes for her health. With our support, and in only a week’s time, Michela's smile returned. She has since been well enough to attend school and our program.

Without the help that came from The Bienvenido Project, Michela and her brother would have continued sleeping on the ground. She would not have the opportunity to attend school, she would have remained the primary caregiver for her younger siblings, and she would not have received the medical care she needed. Michela's mother and step-father also wouldn't have received the support and guidance they needed in learning how to best care for her and her siblings. 

Michela is why we do what we do, and she is just one of the hundreds of children we work with.

Thank you for helping us care for Michela! Thank you for making The Bienvenido Project possible!

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Organization Information

The Bienvenido Project (FUNFONAVI)

Location: Bienvenido - Dominican Republic
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
Laura Collazo
GREENWICH , CT United States
$297,671 raised of $350,000 goal
3,050 donations
$52,329 to go
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