Field Train Students, CSOs & Officials in Morocco

by High Atlas Foundation
Field Train Students, CSOs & Officials in Morocco
Field Train Students, CSOs & Officials in Morocco
Field Train Students, CSOs & Officials in Morocco
Field Train Students, CSOs & Officials in Morocco
Field Train Students, CSOs & Officials in Morocco
Field Train Students, CSOs & Officials in Morocco
Field Train Students, CSOs & Officials in Morocco
Field Train Students, CSOs & Officials in Morocco
Field Train Students, CSOs & Officials in Morocco
Field Train Students, CSOs & Officials in Morocco
Field Train Students, CSOs & Officials in Morocco
Field Train Students, CSOs & Officials in Morocco
Field Train Students, CSOs & Officials in Morocco
Field Train Students, CSOs & Officials in Morocco
Field Train Students, CSOs & Officials in Morocco
Field Train Students, CSOs & Officials in Morocco
Field Train Students, CSOs & Officials in Morocco
Field Train Students, CSOs & Officials in Morocco
Field Train Students, CSOs & Officials in Morocco
Field Train Students, CSOs & Officials in Morocco
Field Train Students, CSOs & Officials in Morocco
Field Train Students, CSOs & Officials in Morocco


This project provides experiential participatory facilitation training for students of Morocco's public Hassan II University located in Mohamedia, elected officials & association members. Participants are trained in facilitating participatory planning with 8 communities in need (4 urban and 4 rural) and assisting in implementing 8 priority development projects that are identified by community members during the training. Participants will manifest democratic planning of development

total goal
monthly donor


Social development projects and reforms are more successful and locally sustainable when communities fully participate in the entire development process. On-site training of villagers, local officials and outside agencies in participatory development will empower them to collaborate more effectively on development projects. This program will train university students and locally elected members of communal councils to become facilitators of development within their own communities.


In the training, work with the 8 communities begins with a comprehensive participatory needs assessment and a process of prioritizing and evaluating options for addressing identified needs. These activities are conducted by community members and facilitated by the trainees with professional supervision. This experientially-based training attempts to 1)guide communities through the development process, 2)identify support, 3)implement project priorities, and 4)train facilitators in the process.

Long-Term Impact

1)Train 80 members of local civil society organizations from Mohammedia Province and 80 students from Hassan II University in participatory democratic planning with 4 rural and 4 urban communities; 2) The trainees will facilitate community meetings, resulting in their own action plan for development and including approximately 10,000 people in participatory community planning; 3) Secure funding and implement 8 projects that improve people's lives.

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).


Organization Information

High Atlas Foundation

Location: New York, NY - USA
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @AtlasHigh
Project Leader:
Dr. Yossef Ben-Meir
President of the High Atlas Foundation
NYC, NY (US) and Marrakech, Al Haouz (Maroc) , Morocco
$2,727 raised of $25,000 goal
96 donations
$22,273 to go
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