Pediatric Services in Remote Areas of Argentina

by Sumando Manos Foundation
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Pediatric Services in Remote Areas of Argentina
Pediatric Services in Remote Areas of Argentina
Pediatric Services in Remote Areas of Argentina
Pediatric Services in Remote Areas of Argentina
Pediatric Services in Remote Areas of Argentina
Pediatric Services in Remote Areas of Argentina
Pediatric Services in Remote Areas of Argentina
Pediatric Services in Remote Areas of Argentina
Pediatric Services in Remote Areas of Argentina
Pediatric Services in Remote Areas of Argentina
Pediatric Services in Remote Areas of Argentina
Pediatric Services in Remote Areas of Argentina
Pediatric Services in Remote Areas of Argentina
Pediatric Services in Remote Areas of Argentina
Pediatric Services in Remote Areas of Argentina
Pediatric Services in Remote Areas of Argentina
Pediatric Services in Remote Areas of Argentina
Pediatric Services in Remote Areas of Argentina
Pediatric Services in Remote Areas of Argentina
Pediatric Services in Remote Areas of Argentina
Pediatric Services in Remote Areas of Argentina
Pediatric Services in Remote Areas of Argentina
Pediatric Services in Remote Areas of Argentina
Pediatric Services in Remote Areas of Argentina
Pediatric Services in Remote Areas of Argentina
Pediatric Services in Remote Areas of Argentina
Pediatric Services in Remote Areas of Argentina
Pediatric Services in Remote Areas of Argentina
Pediatric Services in Remote Areas of Argentina
Pediatric Services in Remote Areas of Argentina
Pediatric Services in Remote Areas of Argentina
Pediatric Services in Remote Areas of Argentina
Pediatric Services in Remote Areas of Argentina
Pediatric Services in Remote Areas of Argentina
Pediatric Services in Remote Areas of Argentina
Pediatric Services in Remote Areas of Argentina
Pediatric Services in Remote Areas of Argentina
Pediatric Services in Remote Areas of Argentina
Pediatric Services in Remote Areas of Argentina
Pediatric Services in Remote Areas of Argentina
Pediatric Services in Remote Areas of Argentina
Pediatric Services in Remote Areas of Argentina
Pediatric Services in Remote Areas of Argentina
Pediatric Services in Remote Areas of Argentina
Pediatric Services in Remote Areas of Argentina
Pediatric Services in Remote Areas of Argentina
Pediatric Services in Remote Areas of Argentina
Pediatric Services in Remote Areas of Argentina
Pediatric Services in Remote Areas of Argentina
Pediatric Services in Remote Areas of Argentina
Pediatric Services in Remote Areas of Argentina
Pediatric Services in Remote Areas of Argentina
Pediatric Services in Remote Areas of Argentina
Pediatric Services in Remote Areas of Argentina
Pediatric Services in Remote Areas of Argentina
Pediatric Services in Remote Areas of Argentina
Pediatric Services in Remote Areas of Argentina
Pediatric Services in Remote Areas of Argentina
Pediatric Services in Remote Areas of Argentina
Pediatric Services in Remote Areas of Argentina
Pediatric Services in Remote Areas of Argentina
Pediatric Services in Remote Areas of Argentina
Pediatric Services in Remote Areas of Argentina

Project Report | Mar 17, 2020
We did it!!!

By Alejandro Itkin | Board Member

We did it!

Thanks to the overwhelming support from our donors, we were able to finish the School 373/01 in Paraje El Boton, El Soberbio, Misiones, now officially named “Guillermo J. Donaire”. For many years we have worked together with our supporters to build a better future for the children who live in one of the country’s poorest areas; this is a dream come true.

Last Monday, March 9th, 2020 was the official launch of the new school and the new academic school year. With the presence of local authorities, families from the community, and members of the 3 foundations involved, the 2020 school year began and the school was officially inaugurated.

The Satellite School has 25 children that attend and walk 5 to 8 kilometres every day to attend classes and to have access to education and nutrition as well. It is located in the middle of the jungle and the dirt roads make access to the school very difficult especially during the rainy season. 

Our sister foundation "Santa Clara" and their team of doctors, dentists, nurses and volunteers, have been visiting this community for 20 years. The children receive breakfast and lunch during the school year. Sometimes these are the only meals they will eat during the day.

In 2017, after the sudden death of our Foundation President and dear friend, the school director petitioned to have the school named after Guillermo. The Department of Education approved the petition and the plans to build a new school were set into motion.

Thanks to your help and generosity, these children have received a huge positive impact and the opportunity to learn under better conditions and to dream with a better future.

Sumando Manos Foundation



¡Lo logramos! 

Gracias al espectacular apoyo de nuestros donantes, pudimos terminar el nuevo edificio de la Escuela Satelital 373/01 en Paraje El Botón, El Soberbio, en la provincia de Misiones, ahora oficialmente llamada "Guillermo J. Donaire". Durante muchos años hemos trabajado junto con nuestros colaboradores y donantes para construir un futuro mejor para los niños y adolescentes que viven en una de las zonas más pobres del país; este es un sueño hecho realidad. 

El pasado lunes 9 de marzo de 2020 fue el lanzamiento oficial de la nueva escuela y el nuevo año escolar académico. Con la presencia de autoridades locales, familias de la comunidad y miembros de las 3 Fundaciones involucradas se dio inicio al año lectivo 2020 y quedó oficialmente inaugurada la escuela.

Creemos que cada niño tiene derecho a acceder a una educación de calidad y nuestro objetivo era proporcionar eso a este maravilloso grupo de estudiantes, maestros y Director.

La Escuela Satélite tiene hoy 25 niños que caminan de 5 a 8 kilómetros todos los días para asistir a clases y tener acceso a educación y nutrición. Está ubicada en el medio de la selva misionera y los caminos de tierra dificultan el acceso a la escuela, especialmente durante la temporada de lluvias.

El equipo de médicos, dentistas, enfermeras y voluntarios de nuestra Fundación Hermana Santa Clara ha estado visitando esta comunidad durante 20 años. Los niños reciben desayuno y almuerzo durante el año escolar; siendo estas a veces las únicas comidas que comen durante el día. 

En 2017, después de la repentina muerte de nuestro querido amigo y presidente de nuestra Fundación, el Director de la escuela solicitó que la escuela lleve el nombre de Guillermo. El Ministerio de Educación aprobó la petición y se pusieron en marcha los planes para construir una nueva escuela.

Gracias a su ayuda y generosidad, las vidas de estos niños han recibido un gran impacto y la oportunidad de aprender en mejores condiciones y soñar con un futuro mejor.

Fundación Sumando Manos

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Organization Information

Sumando Manos Foundation

Location: Miami Beach, Florida - USA
Project Leader:
Alejandro Itkin
Miami Beach , FL United States
$182,735 raised of $220,000 goal
3,776 donations
$37,265 to go
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