Plant a tree: save earth & lives

by Community Health, Housing and Social Education (CHHASE)
Plant a tree: save earth & lives
Plant a tree: save earth & lives
Plant a tree: save earth & lives
Plant a tree: save earth & lives
Plant a tree: save earth & lives
Plant a tree: save earth & lives
Plant a tree: save earth & lives
Plant a tree: save earth & lives
Plant a tree: save earth & lives
Plant a tree: save earth & lives
Plant a tree: save earth & lives
Plant a tree: save earth & lives
Plant a tree: save earth & lives
Plant a tree: save earth & lives
Plant a tree: save earth & lives
Plant a tree: save earth & lives
Plant a tree: save earth & lives
Plant a tree: save earth & lives
Plant a tree: save earth & lives
Plant a tree: save earth & lives
Plant a tree: save earth & lives
Plant a tree: save earth & lives
Plant a tree: save earth & lives
Plant a tree: save earth & lives
Plant a tree: save earth & lives
Plant a tree: save earth & lives

Project Report | Oct 9, 2017
We are in extreme danger-Act,save our generations

By Vincent Paul | Director

Children planting with CHHASE tree guard
Children planting with CHHASE tree guard

Respected Donor/ supporter,

We are in extreme danger-Act save our generations.

The last 50 years, the global climate is changing as the earth becomes warmer. Human activities have released sufficient quantities of carbon dioxide and green house gases to affect global climate.

            The globe is experiencing the significant impacts of climate change in the form of changing weather pattern, rising sea level and more extreme weather events, such as flash floods (2013), Tsunami (2004) are some vivid examples. Globally, an estimated 12.6 million deaths are caused by avoidable environmental risk factors every year.


            Climate change can affect human health in a number of instance by changing the severity and frequency of health problems already existing in that area, creating unanticipated health problems in places where they have not previously occurred, disturbing food-producing ecosystem and increasing the frequency of extreme and increasing the frequency of extreme weather events.

            Certain groups in the community are more susceptible to climate change because of their (Pregnant women), social structure (indigenous population, poverty, migration) or health conditions.

            Many infectious diseases, including water-borne, vector-borne diseases are sensitive to climate and show seasonal variation. Diarrheal diseases are more common and floods are risk factor for water-borne diseases (cholera, and various diarrheal diseases).

            Climate change enhances the transmission season and expands the geographical distribution of vector-borne diseases such as dengue and malaria as warmer temperature and humidity favor’s the breeding of insect vectors.

            Climate change brings new and emerging health issues such as heat waves, cold spells and other extreme weather events. Heat stress poses threat to life as it increases the risk of cardiovascular, respiratory and renal diseases. Pollen and other aeroallergen levels are also high in extreme heat which can trigger asthma.

            An increase in frequency of extreme events such as storms, floods, droughts, and cyclone directly in terms of loss of life and injury and affects indirectly through loss of houses; population displacement; contamination of water supplies; loss of food production; increased risk of epidemics of infectious diseases for provision of health services.


            Climate change is a global challenge that needs the action from all people. In late 2015, to address climate change, more than 190 countries approved Paris Agreement at the 21st session of the Conference of the Parties (COP21) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Paris. In the agreement, all countries agreed to work to limit global temperature rise to well below 2 degrees Celsius and to make best efforts to keep it to 1.5 degrees, for the achievement Goals.

            India laid strong foundations for greater global cooperation on climate action through its pledge for Paris Agreement. India will cut its emissions intensity by 33-35 per cent of 2005 levels by 2030. Promotion of renewable energy by Indian government is a strong commitment towards climate change.

            There’s a lot that people can also do to prevent climate change in their daily to prevent climate change in their daily life, including use of climate friendly transportation, save energy, go solar, harvest rain water, reduce waste and promote urban green spaces, and following many different ways to prevent climate change. People have a much better future in store for them if they act quickly and make significant changes in their lifestyle.  

CHHASE request you to promote green spaces where ever possible and plant a tree in your and your family celebrations so that we can give a safer world to our children and grandchildren.


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Thank you

children planting
children planting
children planting
children planting
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Sep 6, 2017
Thank you for helping to plant trees

By Vincent Paul | Director

Jun 13, 2017
Thank you for helping to plant trees

By vincent paul | Director

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Organization Information

Community Health, Housing and Social Education (CHHASE)

Location: Tiruvallur District, Tamilnadu - India
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
Vincent paul Bellamkonda
Tiruvallur , Tamil nadu India

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