Education  Chile Project #20527

Prevent Suicide & Homophobic Bullying in Chile

by Fundacion Todo Mejora Chile
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Prevent Suicide & Homophobic Bullying in Chile
Prevent Suicide & Homophobic Bullying in Chile
Prevent Suicide & Homophobic Bullying in Chile
Prevent Suicide & Homophobic Bullying in Chile
Prevent Suicide & Homophobic Bullying in Chile
Prevent Suicide & Homophobic Bullying in Chile
Prevent Suicide & Homophobic Bullying in Chile
Prevent Suicide & Homophobic Bullying in Chile
Prevent Suicide & Homophobic Bullying in Chile
Prevent Suicide & Homophobic Bullying in Chile
Prevent Suicide & Homophobic Bullying in Chile
Prevent Suicide & Homophobic Bullying in Chile
Prevent Suicide & Homophobic Bullying in Chile

Project Report | Aug 9, 2021
We are proud to tell!

By Matias Castillo | Individual donor manager

6 out of 10 adolescents who suffer situations of abuse, experience it in their own homes, which has worsened with the confinement and the pandemic. For this reason, we extended Pride Month to tell children and teenagers that #AquíEs(Here is) where everything gets better.

NotCo, the Ministry of Social Development, the Embassies of England, the United States and Canada, as well as Las Gansas, have been part of those who collaborated in making things better and that we can say it with pride.

But without a doubt, the most important contribution has been yours! Thanks to you we can continue to deliver a message of hope to anyone who searches Google for a person to talk to.

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Organization Information

Fundacion Todo Mejora Chile

Location: Santiago - Chile
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @TodoMejora
Project Leader:
Julio C. Dantas
Santiago , RM Chile

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Combined with other sources of funding, this project raised enough money to fund the outlined activities and is no longer accepting donations.

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