Education  Chile Project #20527

Prevent Suicide & Homophobic Bullying in Chile

by Fundacion Todo Mejora Chile
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Prevent Suicide & Homophobic Bullying in Chile
Prevent Suicide & Homophobic Bullying in Chile
Prevent Suicide & Homophobic Bullying in Chile
Prevent Suicide & Homophobic Bullying in Chile
Prevent Suicide & Homophobic Bullying in Chile
Prevent Suicide & Homophobic Bullying in Chile
Prevent Suicide & Homophobic Bullying in Chile
Prevent Suicide & Homophobic Bullying in Chile
Prevent Suicide & Homophobic Bullying in Chile
Prevent Suicide & Homophobic Bullying in Chile
Prevent Suicide & Homophobic Bullying in Chile
Prevent Suicide & Homophobic Bullying in Chile
Prevent Suicide & Homophobic Bullying in Chile

Project Report | Nov 3, 2023
We want to share this with you!

By Matias Trujillo | Project Leader

Students Workshop from "Acompanamiento Escuelas"!
Students Workshop from "Acompanamiento Escuelas"!

In our unwavering commitment to create a positive impact on Chilean society and provide safe spaces for children, adolescents, and young adults within LGBTQAI+ communities, we've made substantial progress during the last 4 months.  Our workshops on mental health and suicide prevention have seen exponential growth, and we've actively participated in a variety of research projects and protocol discussions regarding bullying, mental health, and suicide prevention for children, adolescents, and youth. Additionally, we've worked diligently to promote a message of hope during October, Mental Health Awareness Month, and in observance of World Non-Violence Day.


With our Mental Health Support - "Quedaté" Program:

Under "Quedaté" Suicide Prevention Program, we've seen significant growth. From the first half of the year reaching 2.600 people from educational communities, and 10 districts, in the past four months, we've reached 1.000 education professionals across 9 districts of Santiago. Looking ahead, we're dedicated to expanding our reach, with the goal of training 13,000 education professionals within 52 districts of Santiago by the end of next year!


Education & Research Initiatives:

Over the past four months, our intervention program "Acompañamiento Escuelas" has been successfully implemented in schools, focusing on the educational community, students, parents, teachers, administrative staff, among others. This is a support strategy for educational institutions to prevent and address gender-based violence in educational communities including: workshops for students from 7th grade to 4th year of high school, technical consultations for professionals in direct contact and counseling for parents and responsible adults in the educational community.



Visibilization & Communication Efforts:

Our work in visibilization and communication continues to make a significant impact. We've continued our impactful campaigns centered around awareness, hope, and representation on social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube. We've also maintained an active presence on radio and television, addressing discrimination, educating the general population, and raising awareness about LGBTQAI+ communities.


Additionally, our involvement in face-to-face events and community interactions has played a crucial role in promoting messages of hope, educating the public, collaborating on LGBTQAI+ initiatives, supporting representation, and enhancing visibility.


Community Support:

All these achievements have been made possible by the generous support and donations from people like you. We invite you to continue being a vital partner for LGBTQAI+ children and adolescents in Chile. Your support empowers us to create and maintain safe spaces, ensuring we can continue making meaningful changes and saving lives.


Check this and much more below! 

Students Workshop Santiago!
Students Workshop Santiago!
Students Workshop Bio Bio Region!
Students Workshop Bio Bio Region!
Teachers Workshop Los Lagos Region!
Teachers Workshop Los Lagos Region!
Students Workshop Los Lagos Region!
Students Workshop Los Lagos Region!
Suicide Prevention - Quedate Santiago!
Suicide Prevention - Quedate Santiago!
Suicide Prevention - "Quedate" Isla de Maipo!
Suicide Prevention - "Quedate" Isla de Maipo!
Festivaliente - Empowering young girls !
Festivaliente - Empowering young girls !
Spreading Awareness on the Radio!
Spreading Awareness on the Radio!
Care Protocol for Gender and Sex Diversity!
Care Protocol for Gender and Sex Diversity!
Symposium: Let's Talk About Bullying!
Symposium: Let's Talk About Bullying!
Launching our new programs!
Launching our new programs!


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Oct 12, 2021
In Mental Health Month: It Gets Better!

By Matias Trujillo | Chief Sustainability Officer

Aug 9, 2021
We are proud to tell!

By Matias Castillo | Individual donor manager

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Organization Information

Fundacion Todo Mejora Chile

Location: Santiago - Chile
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @TodoMejora
Project Leader:
Julio C. Dantas
Santiago , RM Chile

Funded Project!

Combined with other sources of funding, this project raised enough money to fund the outlined activities and is no longer accepting donations.

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