Project Soar will provide sustainable period supplies to teen girls across Morocco. Having access to period products allows girls to stay in school, leading to reduced child marriage and teen pregnancy. With support of this project, Project Soar can provide eco-friendly, shame free, hygienic period supplies to 600+ teen girls each year. We do not use reusable pads but sanitary, healthy period underwear that can be completely cleaned, doesn't stain & doesn't embarrass girls when hung to dry.
Adolescent girls are the most vulnerable and marginalized group on the planet today. These girls face the double discrimination of being female and young; they are often denied education and are subject to child marriage, and early motherhood. Period poverty contributes to the inequality teen girls face. Menstruation supplies are expensive, especially for families that already have a limited income. If girls don't have supplies to manage their period, both their health & education are at risk.
The Project Soar mission is to empower teen girls to become leaders of today and tomorrow, and we do so through our signature empowerment curriculum, Soar in a Box. "Body" is the focus of module 3; in this workshop girls learn how their bodies work and are provided with sustainable period underwear to ensure they can manage their periods for at least 2-3 years. Project Soar never distributes reusable pads, which are much less hygienic than period underwear and can be shame-inducing.
Project Soar helps prevent adverse outcomes (dropping out of school, teen pregnancy & child marriage), and also promotes positive outcomes (staying in school & entering the workforce). Sustainable period supplies are critical to the success of the Soar Girl. Project Soar was invited to the Obama White House and has been featured on the BBC, CNN, and the New York Times. It was also in the award winning CNN documentary, We Will Rise. Project Soar was the recipient of the With + For Girls Award.
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