This project will provide adolescent women and their children with milking cows. Many unwed mothers who face unplanned pregnancies are subject to abuse, neglect and malnutrition for themselves and their child. COVID has increased this. Cows provide a sustainable income, create self-sufficiency for the single mother, and combat nutrient deficiencies for the child. This leads to a healthy life for both mother and child due to sustained income which provides health care and education opportunities
The District of Bugesera in Rwanda see's a high rate of unplanned pregnancies due to lack of sexual education, this rate has risen since Covid-19 began. Many single mothers find themselves victims of abuse, neglect and malnutrition for themselves and their child. Finding employment is nearly impossible when the child depends on the mothers' constant care which makes finding income for food, healthcare, and possible capital very difficult. Mothers now need a sustainable and independent income.
Friends Peace House works to promote peace, unity and development. By providing mothers with milking cows a stable income is created to ensure the health and success of the mother and her child. This reduces the amount of poverty and malnutrition and enables the community to develop in a peaceful matter. This project will also provide the calves of the initial milking cows to other vulnerable mothers and children to create a widespread effect of unity and development.
The Rwandan government ensures artificial insemination for families with milking cows. With this stipulation, milking cows will be able to produce offspring that will be sent to other mothers in need. This creates a widespread impact and lifts many out of poverty. Milk and income provided also allows for access to medical care and education ensuring the current and future generations of the Rwandan people are healthy and able to contribute to peaceful development.
This project has provided additional documentation in a DOCX file (projdoc.docx).
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