Help Ukraine's refugees to make a new start

by Non-governmental organization Women's Federation for World Peace
Help Ukraine's refugees to make a new start
Help Ukraine's refugees to make a new start
Help Ukraine's refugees to make a new start
Help Ukraine's refugees to make a new start
Help Ukraine's refugees to make a new start
Help Ukraine's refugees to make a new start
Help Ukraine's refugees to make a new start
Help Ukraine's refugees to make a new start
Help Ukraine's refugees to make a new start
Help Ukraine's refugees to make a new start

Project Report | Mar 9, 2020
Starting new year with the Ukrainian IDPs

By Anna Kalmatskaya | Project Leader

Christmas Gingerbread Workshop
Christmas Gingerbread Workshop

Dear friends, we are glad to share some news from our project for January and February 2020. 

The beginning of the year was full of New Year and Christmas mood. And especially as we celebrate Orthodox Christmas in Ukraine on January 7, we prepared special programs for our beneficiaries. 

Eight IDP families became participants of the Christmas workshop. Parents had an integration meeting with the specialists, while children were learning to make delicious gingerbread cookies with their own hands. Then together they were making masterpieces out of honey gingerbread cookies and colorful glaze.

The day after, together with the National Kyiv-Pechersk Historical and Cultural Reserve, we prepared spiritual and cultural program for families from vulnerable categories, like IDPs and large families. The event was called "Angel’s Christmas Tree" and was attended by 70 children, together with their parents. After a guided tour around the reserve, parents could take part in a prayer service at the Cathedral. Everyone could also go up to the Great Lavra Bell Tower and participate in a festive concert with Christmas carols, competitions and gifts. After a delicious lunch, everyone was invited to visit the Lavra Caves - national historic sites.

Together with our long-term partner, “Mothers of peace” union, we organized few integration actions at schools where IDP children study. With patriotism and peace as main topics, we talked about love to the nation and to the world that can help to overcome any difficulties and bring us all to peace. Colorful concerts, children's drawings exhibitions, meetings with interesting people beautifully complemented the programs.   

Keeping individual integration work with our beneficiaries, our specialists and volunteers were visiting IDP families, trying to answer their needs. One of such families, who is under our supervision from the very beginning, is Sergey and Lyubov with their wonderful four sons. Sergey and Lyubov, who changed already three rented apartments and three schools for their kids, have been facing many challenges. Sometimes, as Lyubov shared, they think they can’t go on. But their love and enthusiasm give them power to overcome everything. We keep visiting their humble home, communicating and giving financial help.    

We wish you, our dear friends, good coming spring! Thank you for all your support and genuine concern for the internally displaced families!  

Angel's Christmas Tree
Angel's Christmas Tree
Visiting Lyubov and her wonderful kids
Visiting Lyubov and her wonderful kids
Children's drawings exhibition at school
Children's drawings exhibition at school


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Organization Information

Non-governmental organization Women's Federation for World Peace

Location: Kyiv - Ukraine
Facebook: Facebook Page
Non-governmental organization Women's Federation for World Peace
Anna Kalmatskaya
Project Leader:
Anna Kalmatskaya
Kyiv , Ukraine

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