Help Ukraine's refugees to make a new start

by Non-governmental organization Women's Federation for World Peace
Help Ukraine's refugees to make a new start
Help Ukraine's refugees to make a new start
Help Ukraine's refugees to make a new start
Help Ukraine's refugees to make a new start
Help Ukraine's refugees to make a new start
Help Ukraine's refugees to make a new start
Help Ukraine's refugees to make a new start
Help Ukraine's refugees to make a new start
Help Ukraine's refugees to make a new start
Help Ukraine's refugees to make a new start

Project Report | Sep 9, 2022
Busy summer and Independence Day

By Lapteva Anastasia | Project coordinator

Art-therapy on Independence Day
Art-therapy on Independence Day

Our dear friends, we would like to share updates on our project. 

The summer was extremely busy with giving targeted aid to IDP families and helping our beneficiaries in many ways.  

In July in cooperation with the All-Ukrainian newspaper "Family Times» we provided assistance to 20 families raising children with disabilities, as well as elderly people with disabilities who cannot leave Kyiv. Volunteers organized the purchase and delivery of food packages, including meat, canned food, cereals, dairy products, fruits and sweets. Each set also had copies of the newspaper from the partners. Some families shared that they were hiding and living in basements because of frequent air raid sirens. It is difficult for the less mobile groups of the population to quickly respond to them while staying at home.

And we answered to the call of a family from the city of Chernihiv, that suffered from bombings. Along with Sumy, Chernihiv played an important role in the beginning of the war, having taken the brunt of the attack and protecting the capital from a large number of enemy forces. Chernihiv was heavily bombarded from the first days of the war. And as many other families, our beneficiary family, having the child suffering from cerebral palsy, was forced to spend the nights in the basement during the shelling. The family even shares the "skill" of distinguishing shells exploding nearby by their sound. Their apartment survived, but all the windows were blown out by the blast wave. The family was able to repair only one window on their own. WFWP volunteers provided support and organized the repair of all windows. 

And as on August 24 Ukraine celebrated its Independence, WFWP-Ukraine organized a few online art-therapy workshops on Ukrainian state and national symbols. More than 20 children from different parts of Ukraine, as well as from other countries where they were forced to stay as a result of the war, were listening to a presentation about Ukrainian national and national symbols, drawing them and and making the Ukrainian flag using paper techniques.

The parental house, protected by a stork, viburnum and willow, golden fields, hot pancakes in a frying pan, and of course, the blue and yellow flag of Ukraine - these symbols of the homeland are especially dear to children's hearts. They dream of returning home soon and living in a peaceful world.

We are grateful, our dear friends, for your continued support. And as we just started the new academic year, we will be happy to share about it very soon, in our next report! All the best to you and your families!

Food packages for families in need
Food packages for families in need
Children who got food aid
Children who got food aid
Family from Chernihiv
Family from Chernihiv


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Organization Information

Non-governmental organization Women's Federation for World Peace

Location: Kyiv - Ukraine
Facebook: Facebook Page
Non-governmental organization Women's Federation for World Peace
Anna Kalmatskaya
Project Leader:
Anna Kalmatskaya
Kyiv , Ukraine

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