This project will provide funds to assist in our wildlife rescue response around southern Belize, in addition to building rehab enclosures for injured crocodiles. Additionally, this project will provide the ability for local schools and businesses to visit our facility to further learn about the cultural importance of crocs and other wildlife to build pride and stewardship of nature. Overall, this project will provide the infrastructure for the first environmental science center in Belize.
The CRC is the only wildlife rescue team in southern Belize, with the closest wildlife vet 3hours away. There is a need for assistance to quickly respond to injured wildlife, as well as a suitable rehab location for large predators. We also believe if we could provide locals a chance to meet crocs that can not be released back in the wild, we could provide the necessary education to garnish tolerance and pride of crocs once again in the Belizean culture, preventing unnecessary conflict.
This project will give crocs and other wildlife a higher probability of surviving injuries and giving crocs the rehabilitative enclosures necessary for successful recovery. Furthermore, by providing educational opportunities to visiting local schools and businesses, we anticipate a revival of cultural tolerance and pride of crocodiles. There is no museum in Belize that fosters an interest in science or conservation; this project will provide an interactive learning experience for visitors.
This project will foster a revival of cultural values and respect towards crocodiles and other wildlife. Community pride and stewardship parallels successful wildlife coexistence, and we have already observed our small community caring for crocodiles through our current educational initiatives. However, the creation of an environmental science center provides Belizeans a place to further foster interest and pride protecting wildlife and their habitat, instilling stewardship and pride in nature.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).
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