Project Report
| Sep 12, 2023
Your Donations Saved Ibrahim and Ismail Lives!
By Baraa AlSharbaji | Fundraising Officer
Your extraordinary generosity has already made a life-saving impact, but there is still so much more to be done. In northern Syria, premature infants like Ibrahim and Ismail face unimaginable risks without proper healthcare.
Thanks to your support, these fragile newborns Ibrahim and Ismail received immediate medical attention at Al-Ikhaa Hospital in northern Syria. They were transferred to the intensive care unit and treated for severe respiratory distress. Your donations saved their lives.
But the need is ongoing. Countless more newborns are awaiting critical medical intervention. You have the power to save a precious child.
Thank you for being their lifeline.
Sep 11, 2023
Saving Innocent Lives: Your Support Creates Lasting Change!
By Baraa AlSharbaji | Fundraising Officer
Dozens of newborn babies in northern Syria were rescued and provided with the necessary treatment, thanks to your donations. Your support gave hope to them and their families, showing that someone stands by their side to help them secure a better future.
One of these babies is Junaid. After a 12-year wait, Junaid's parents were blessed with him and his twin brother. However, their joy was not complete, as Junaid contracted jaundice and was immediately transferred to one of SEMA hospitals when he was only 36 weeks old.
Our doctors intervened promptly, moving Junaid to intensive care, where he began receiving treatment. With gradual improvement, Junaid fully recovered. None of this would have been possible without your generous donations.
Just as you aided Junaid, you can also assist dozens of other newborn babies in northern Syria.
Sep 7, 2023
Your Donations at Work: A Miracle for Baby Mohammed!
By Baraa AlSharbaji | Fundraising Officer
It is our duty to show you the impact of your donation on the displaced people in northern Syria, especially the most vulnerable groups, such as newborn children who face death daily due to a lack of medical care. Thanks to your donations, we have already been able to save many of them.
Baby Mohammed arrived at one of SEMA's hospitals in northern Syria after a premature birth that endangered his life. The doctors transferred him directly to the intensive care room and put him on a ventilator.
Mohammed is the hope for his family for a better life, as five of his brothers previously died immediately after childbirth due to premature birth. We made every effort to save his life, thanks to your donations.
The child remained on the ventilator for about ten days, and our doctors continued their efforts to save his life until he became healthy and was sent home with his family.
Your next gift rewrites their fate, turning despair into hope.