Save the Children

by Save the Children Federation
Save the Children
Save the Children
Save the Children
Save the Children
Save the Children
Save the Children
Save the Children
Save the Children
Save the Children
Save the Children
Save the Children
Save the Children

Project Report | Jan 27, 2023
Hunger Crisis in Somalia: Istar's* Story

By Save the Children | Save the Children

Istar is all smiles at our stabilization center.
Istar is all smiles at our stabilization center.

Somalia is facing one of the most severe emergencies in the worst global hunger crisis this century. As the Horn of Africa faces its worst drought in 40 years, 1.5 million children in Somalia – or one in five - could face deadly forms of malnutrition without immediate action.

With the support of donors like you, Save the Children is on the ground in Somalia, working around the clock in 17 of 18 regions of the country to help children and their families survive and cope with the extreme effects of the drought and food crisis. We are providing emergency water supplies, treating children who are malnourished, running health facilities and providing cash and livelihood support to the most vulnerable.

Thanks to giving people like you, our work in Somalia is making a difference! Istar*, age 2, is just one of the many children in Somalia supported by our programs. Suffering from severe malnutrition, she was hospitalized at a stabilization center established and equipped by Save the Children. She was weak and sick with diarrhea, vomiting, and had a cough and fever as well as poor appetite.

After 10 days of treatment, her health was improved and Istar started to smile again. Now back home with her family, her follow up care at the Stabilization Center will continue for about six months.

We couldn't help children like Istar without the generosity of our donors, including you. Thank you for your support! 

*All names changed for privacy and protection.

Istar enjoying her therapeutic food.
Istar enjoying her therapeutic food.


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Organization Information

Save the Children Federation

Location: Fairfield, CT - USA
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @savethechildren
Project Leader:
Lisa Smith
Fairfield , CT United States
$58,243 raised of $75,000 goal
1,191 donations
$16,757 to go
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