Provide a school for 1,000 children in Tanzania

by Girls Education International
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Provide a school for 1,000 children in Tanzania
Provide a school for 1,000 children in Tanzania
Provide a school for 1,000 children in Tanzania
Provide a school for 1,000 children in Tanzania
Provide a school for 1,000 children in Tanzania
Provide a school for 1,000 children in Tanzania
Provide a school for 1,000 children in Tanzania
Provide a school for 1,000 children in Tanzania
Provide a school for 1,000 children in Tanzania
Provide a school for 1,000 children in Tanzania
Provide a school for 1,000 children in Tanzania
Provide a school for 1,000 children in Tanzania
Provide a school for 1,000 children in Tanzania
Provide a school for 1,000 children in Tanzania
Provide a school for 1,000 children in Tanzania
Provide a school for 1,000 children in Tanzania
Provide a school for 1,000 children in Tanzania
Provide a school for 1,000 children in Tanzania
Provide a school for 1,000 children in Tanzania
Provide a school for 1,000 children in Tanzania
Provide a school for 1,000 children in Tanzania

Project Report | Nov 20, 2013
November 2013 Amahoro Secondary School Update

By Rai Farrelly | Co-Founder, Project Wezesha

Amahoro Secondary School - Roofs and Trees!
Amahoro Secondary School - Roofs and Trees!

Dear Project Wezesha Supporters,

Happy start to the holiday season! We hope you are enjoying time with family and planning for the upcoming December festivities to celebrate all of our respective traditions!

It is with great pleasure that I share with you some updates from Tanzania about Amahoro Secondary School. The biggest news of all is that the roofs are officially in place on all 16 classrooms and completed offices! This is so exciting and such a relief! The rainy season may be upon the village, but the work inside the classrooms can continue now that all the roofs are there to keep the workers dry!

The remaining work on the school entails completing the plastering of walls - inside and out, finishing all floors (that's a lot of concrete!), building and setting the remaining doors and windows, and finally - painting the exterior walls.

When I was there in July, I saw the chosen colors for the shool - a nice sky blue and cream combination. It's going to be lovely amid the many trees that were spared by this eco-conscious community during the construction of the school. (Just look at all those trees! They are all native to the area and will shade the students during breaks before and after classes.)

The anticipated timing to officially launch classes depends upon the completion of a sufficient number of classrooms by the end of December. Last year, we made an agreement with the village government that requires their participation on this school project. They have done well to acquire $16,000 from the Tanzania government last year - which funded the purchase of cement, lyme, wood, and paint. However, they have to rally again this year and continue to do so until all classrooms are finished.

In the meantime, Project Wezesha has committed to keep the skilled laborors paid and additionally support the village leaders by supplying as much as we can in funding toward the materials needed to finish these classrooms.

In short, we're not there yet! We would love your continued support in making this amazing dream a reality. Here are some ways you can help:

  1. Spread the word. As always, we love when you tell others about the work we're doing and why you think it's important. Please share our website and Facebook page through your social media networking sites. The more people we can involve in this dream, the sooner we'll see it come true!
  2. Build a Fundraiser. GlobalGiving makes it very easy to build your own fundraiser. Go to our project page, scroll down to just beneath the big Donate button; click on the little green fundraiser button and voilà! You can build a page for a wedding, holiday, sporting event, etc. You can personalize it and tell your friends why you want to help. Many of you know about us because your amazing friends Shelmina and Minaz did just that! They raised over $30,000 for this effort through their wedding - huge gratitude to their amazing family and friends! (I'm still in awe - and they even caught the attention of GlobalGiving who later contacted Shelmina for an interview to explore why this mattered so much to her! We love you, Shelmina and Minaz!!)
  3. Donate. Of course, at the end of the day - Lucas and I are Project Wezesha and we just have to keep making the 'ask'. If you have a little to spare, feel free to share. It goes a long way - literally and figuratively - to complete the amazing start to what you see in these pictures!

Thank you very much - Asante Sana!

With love and gratitude,
Rai Farrelly and Lucas Lameck
Co-founders, Project Wezesha

Plaster on the Classrooms
Plaster on the Classrooms
The Future Soccer Pitch - Built by the Kids!
The Future Soccer Pitch - Built by the Kids!
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Sep 3, 2013
Amahoro Secondary School_August 2013 Update

By Rai Farrelly | Co-Founder, Project Wezesha

May 23, 2013
May 2013 Update on Amahoro Secondary School

By Rai Farrelly | Co-Founder, Project Wezesha

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Organization Information

Girls Education International

Location: Denver, CO - USA
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @girlsed
Project Leader:
Rai Farrelly
Co-Founder, Project Wezesha; Executive Director, Girls Education International
Lakewood , CO United States

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Combined with other sources of funding, this project raised enough money to fund the outlined activities and is no longer accepting donations.

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