Safe futures - self-reliance for 675 Kenyan girls

by Raising Futures Kenya
Safe futures - self-reliance for 675 Kenyan girls
Safe futures - self-reliance for 675 Kenyan girls
Safe futures - self-reliance for 675 Kenyan girls
Safe futures - self-reliance for 675 Kenyan girls
Safe futures - self-reliance for 675 Kenyan girls
Safe futures - self-reliance for 675 Kenyan girls
Safe futures - self-reliance for 675 Kenyan girls
Safe futures - self-reliance for 675 Kenyan girls
Safe futures - self-reliance for 675 Kenyan girls
Safe futures - self-reliance for 675 Kenyan girls
Safe futures - self-reliance for 675 Kenyan girls
Safe futures - self-reliance for 675 Kenyan girls
Safe futures - self-reliance for 675 Kenyan girls
Safe futures - self-reliance for 675 Kenyan girls
Safe futures - self-reliance for 675 Kenyan girls
Safe futures - self-reliance for 675 Kenyan girls
Safe futures - self-reliance for 675 Kenyan girls
Safe futures - self-reliance for 675 Kenyan girls
Safe futures - self-reliance for 675 Kenyan girls
Safe futures - self-reliance for 675 Kenyan girls
Safe futures - self-reliance for 675 Kenyan girls
Safe futures - self-reliance for 675 Kenyan girls


Adolescent girls and young women in Kenya are at serious risk of poverty, exploitation and high risk situations like early marriage, pregnancy or survival sex. Seed of Hope centres support 675 vulnerable girls every year, and equip them to escape poverty, secure reliable incomes and support themselves and their families. Through vocational skills training, mental health and business start up support, over 90% of graduates are self-reliant and able to support themselves and their families

total goal
monthly donors


Up to 80% of teenage Kenyan girls can't access or engage with mainstream secondary education due to barriers like household poverty, child marriage and early pregnancy. Not being in school exposes girls to more high-risk situations including prostitution, abuse & extreme poverty. Vocational skills training alone does not lead to sustainable livelihoods. The girls we support have complex and multi-faceted needs that require a unique approach that most vocational training centres don't provide.


Our unique programme sees us work closely with girls to support them to overcome past traumas, build confidence and self-esteem and develop the skills they need to gain employment, or be self-employed. Working with girls to become self-reliant breaks the intergenerational cycle of poverty and means that these girls will never have to rely on hand-outs again. Not only will they be able to support themselves, they will be able to support their families too.

Long-Term Impact

We know our programme leads to over 90% of graduates being employed or self-employed and almost 90% able to support themselves and their families with basic needs such as housing, food and education. Graduates gain financial independence but also employ others in their community, pay for siblings' education & improve living conditions for their wider families.


Organization Information

Raising Futures Kenya

Location: Brighton, East Sussex - United Kingdom
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @raisingfutures
Project Leader:
Kirsty Erridge
Nairobi , Kenya
$213,839 raised of $250,000 goal
1,925 donations
$36,161 to go
Donate Now

Pay Bill: 891300
Account: GG3807

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