Seeds for Life in Zambia

by The Butterfly Tree
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Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia
Seeds for Life in Zambia

Project Report | Dec 18, 2017
Planting time in Zambia

By Jane Kaye-Bailey | Founder

Ngandu School Vegetable Garden
Ngandu School Vegetable Garden

Hunger is one of the biggest challenges Zambian school pupils have to cope with on a daily basis, especially if they have to walk long distances to seek an education.

After six months without rain food is in short supply and many people have to rely on just one meal per day. During my recent visit to Zambia the charity donated bags of maize to orphans and vulnerable families to help supplement the little food they had. I met families who had no food and had to rely on hand-outs from generous neighbours.

We take so much for granted in the West, especially during the festive period where food is abundant and readily available from all corners of the world. Sadly, with this comes so much waste, something rarely seen in a Zambian home.

The Seeds for Schools program is a great help not only to the pupils, but to their families. It also encourages the children to go to school and improves their concentration as well as increasing stamina. Maize, is the staple diet of Zambians. It is rich in nutrients, including phosphorous, magnesium, zinc and iron and is a good source of dietary fibre. 

Schools pupils can actively help with the plantiing of schools gardens, which teaches them how to produce their own food in the future. December is the time for planting and currently we are appealling for donations to buy seeds and fertilizers for schools. So far this month we have provided funds for 14 schools in the Mukuni Chiefdom and would like to thank everyone for their contributions in making this project a success.


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Organization Information

The Butterfly Tree

Location: Banstead, Surrey - United Kingdom
Project Leader:
Jane Kaye-Bailey
Banstead , Surrey United Kingdom
$106,827 raised of $200,000 goal
103 donations
$93,173 to go
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