Education  Nepal Project #41560

Send 100 Girls to school in Nepal

by Association for Dalit Women's Advancement of Nepal
Send 100 Girls to school in Nepal
Send 100 Girls to school in Nepal
Send 100 Girls to school in Nepal
Send 100 Girls to school in Nepal
Send 100 Girls to school in Nepal
Send 100 Girls to school in Nepal


ADWAN has been working for 20 years to send Dalit and poor girls to primary school through high school. Help us reach our biggest challenge yet - supporting an education for 100 girls to attend high school, which is not free. We at ADWAN know that education is the most lasting and effective way girls and their families can escape the cycle of poverty and discrimination. Education is a double investment - in the girls as well as in the future of their families, society and country.

total goal
monthly donors


In Nepal, one of the poorest nations in the world, Dalit women and girls are among the most vulnerable and last to receive education. In a society, where literacy means simply being able to write one's own name, the literacy rate for Dalit girls is 12% - 24% - in contrast to the national average of 64%.


The proposed project will eliminate the financial burden of poverty stricken parents, allowing them to send their girls to high school rather than to work for daily subsistence living.

Long-Term Impact

When girls achieve higher education they have the opportunity to reach their full potential, This raises the health and well-being of their families. Educated women go on to educate their children and benefit their community and overall economy of the nation.


Organization Information

Association for Dalit Women's Advancement of Nepal

Location: Kathmandu - Nepal
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @ADWANepal
Project Leader:
Kamal Pariyar
Kathmandu , Nepal

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