Project Report
| Jul 31, 2020
Covid-19 & Programmes
By Enouce Ndeche | Principle
With the new normal way of conducting programs taking shape in our communities, the first monitoring and evaluation meeting of coaches was held at VAP offices. The meeting which was held in turns with a minimal number of coaches in attendance focused on strategic and innovative ways of conducting programs through various channels including: home based interventions, setting up of toll-free numbers for pyscho-social and mental health support for program participants and other online programming for vocational training participants and placements for apprenticeship participants.
Home-Based Interventions
With Covid-19 having slowed down many activities across the globe, innovation is creeping in in different ways.VAP’s program interventions have taken a new dimension with the adaptation of Home-based interventions. Coaches are tasked to handle a sizeable number of participants from their respective neighborhoods while adhering and observing the guidelines of Covid-19. As a bonus to the focused program information, participants are taught about the awareness and preventive measures of Covid-19.
Pyscho-Social Support
As one way of making sure that participants continue receiving vital information concerning health issues including: mental health support, family planning, and a full psycho social support, VAP has established Toll-Free numbers for participants to call. This will curb the rising cases of teen pregnancies and women violence as a result of Covid-19 pandemic restrictions. The lines have been created due to the absence of enough spaces for conversations surrounding, reproductive health topics, contraceptives, sexual debut, etc. Part of the conversations with the participants surround covid-19 prevention information.
Apr 7, 2020
VAP Cares,Covid-19 Response
By Enouce Ndeche | Principle
VAP Cares Covid-19 Response Team
The eruption of covid-19 pandemic is and still continues to be a challenge globally with many people getting infected every day and lives getting lost every minute and hours. Since the first detection of covid-19 in Kenya, its spread has been on the rise with many communities struggling with ways of curbing the virus. However, many of the communities that VAP serve which are slum areas of Nairobi, have been facing a great challenge of basic necessities which include: inadequate water supply which is very key towards preventing covid-19 virus, congestions of houses and people, inadequate soap and sanitizers, masks and other items.
It’s out of the covid-19 breakout that Vijana Amani Pamoja initiated a ‘VAP Cares,Covid-19 Response’ initiative that aims at creating awareness of covid-19 in the slum areas, targeting its youth participants and the entire communities.VAP Cares initiative has been on the frontline making a door to door community visits distributing soaps, and teaching communities on the importance of social distancing, proper hand washing of hands by using soaps, staying At Home and reporting to the nearest health facility in case of any symptoms of covid-19 .” Am happy to have received soap and more information of covid-19 awareness, me and my young family are going to stay at home to prevent the disease.” Said 19 year old Jacinta a young mother of 18 months old baby. As VAP Cares covid-19 campaigns continue, we would appreciate any kind of donation that would go towards supporting and spreading the awareness of covid-19 in all the slum areas of Nairobi.
Door To Door Distribution
Mar 30, 2020
VAP Cares, (Team Covid-19 vs Team Human) Response
By Enouce Ndeche | Principle
As participants and their families are observing social distancing and staying at home as one of the measures of curbing the spread of covid-19, VAP has created strategies of reaching out to its participants and community at large through various platforms including: parents’ whatsapp group where basic information and any other material regarding Covid-19 will be shared including a hotline telephone number for more information and referrals. Another whatsapp group for older program participants who have access to phones will be created for a similar purpose. All the whatsapp messages will be backed up with sms texts while other information will be posted on social platforms for tech savvy participants and community members.
Creation of Animation for Team: Covid-19 vs Human
Vijana Amani Pamoja is urgently coming up with a creation of animation play that would feature team: Covid-19 Vs Human.This play will entail fun football based activities between Covid-19 (representing The Virus) vv Human team.The activities will narrate how dangerous covid-19 virus is to Human and its effects while also providing the fun based activities that football/soccer provides.The activities will be wrapped up with key covid-19 awareness messgaes to the kids/youuth who are at home to learn and understand how dangerous the virus is while also learning how to prevent the virus and its spread.VAP will work closely with various media houses who will air the program for the youth and the general communities to learn and understand the virus.For this action to take place,VAP is seeking for donations from various individuals to undertake this initiative and reach out to millions of youth and communities around Kenya via broadcasting channels.