Aim to feed the hungry children & sponsor education to children in need of poor families working in construction sites. 3 day care centers started in 2006 with 10 (1-6yrs) children now we are sponsoring 75 underprivileged children. Kids belong to poverty and both parents work in construction sites, scavenging. Children get food, pre-primary education through toys, recreation in creches. Care takers keep children engaged in learning education. Help and donate for education of children in creches.
Thousands of children of migrant laborers, construction workers today lead such an unnatural, inhuman life, as they struggle to survive. Parents typically earn meager income for hard physical labor. They face illness, accident, monsoon rains, crippling debt, loss of spouse, inadequate housing, a bad diet & not enough to eat. They are illiterate and not able to provide nutritious food, personal care to their children due to poverty. Malnutrition & lack of care for children below 6yrs in our area.
This program provides pre-primary education through Educational Charts, Play items, Rhymes & gives nutritious food, recreation, personal care to impoverished & malnutrition children at day care centers. The care takers look after the underprivileged children for education & build good habits enabling their parents to do their vocations satisfactorily. Care takers teach the children how to combing, bathing, proper dressing, to take safe drinking water to prevent from seasonal & dreadful diseases.
The uncaring & malnutrition children of deprived sections will have bright future. Daily wage, migrant workers will go to their jobs satisfactorily. 75 impoverished children nutrition level increased, health improves, behavior & good habits will be developed. Intervening during early stages of development is key to a child's long-term success. Impact is children have nurturing and happy childhood, We believe every child has the fundamental right to security, education, health care and protection
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