Help reduce the number of people living on the streets. Our goal is to hold weekly educational, psycho-educational and preventive meetings for children between 3 and 12 years old and their families who live in tenements in the center of Medellin. In our spaces we provide tools from art, culture and psychosocial aspects so that children who live in tenements near the largest concentration of homeless people in Medellin do not become the next homeless people.
More and more people end up living on the streets due to the lack of a safe space that gives them the tools they need to have a better future. Estacion Villa is the most dangerous neighborhood in Medellin, with the highest consumption of hallucinogenic substances. There are no recreational parks, schools, sports fields or libraries. Migrant and local families survive by selling drugs, sexual work or crime. Hundreds of children remain alone in a small space called Inquilinato.
To create a safe space where children can access education and psychological care, thus preventing them from becoming the next homeless and becoming addicts. We have activities from Monday to Saturday in the afternoons, when children are not at school, to prevent them from being on the streets. We have at least one session with a trained psychologist per month with each child and a visit to each child's home with our professionals to support the family with psychoeducational activities.
Decreasing homeless rate in Medellin, fewer sexually exploited children, children with better mental health
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