Train young Colombian women for a career in STEM

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Train young Colombian women for a career in STEM
Train young Colombian women for a career in STEM
Train young Colombian women for a career in STEM
Train young Colombian women for a career in STEM
Train young Colombian women for a career in STEM
Train young Colombian women for a career in STEM
Train young Colombian women for a career in STEM
Train young Colombian women for a career in STEM
Train young Colombian women for a career in STEM
Train young Colombian women for a career in STEM
Train young Colombian women for a career in STEM
Train young Colombian women for a career in STEM
Train young Colombian women for a career in STEM

Project Report | Sep 11, 2020
Better life starts with an opportunity

By Makaia | Team

Makaia and their partners started this journey to make a dream come true. Thanks to them and the donators who contributed trough GlobalGiving this project is now a reality.

On April 21, a group of 20 women were certified as junior front-end developers. This group started an employability process to access better opportunities in the IT sector. Currently, 16 of them are working in companies related to technology and they are applying the knowledge that they acquire during the Bootcamp in Academia Geek. 

These jobs represent the started point in the programming area. We still working with other women who are looking for alternatives in STEM to improve their living conditions. 

Keep in touch and don´t miss any detail of this trip!


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Organization Information


Location: Medellin, Antioquia - Colombia
Project Leader:
Ana Maria Acosta
Medellin , Antioquia Colombia

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