Accountability towards informal settlers in Nepal

by PHASE Nepal
Accountability towards informal settlers in Nepal
Accountability towards informal settlers in Nepal
Accountability towards informal settlers in Nepal
Accountability towards informal settlers in Nepal
Accountability towards informal settlers in Nepal
Accountability towards informal settlers in Nepal


PHASE Nepal works to uplift the livelihood, access to health and education; especially the vulnerable group of population. Through an accountability themed Project, PHASE Nepal has been conducting research among people living in informal settlement in three major cities of Nepal; Kathmandu, Pokhara, and Bhaktapur. It aims to assess the living condition, access to services of people and strengthen relationships between relevant stakeholders and improve accountability towards them.

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In addition to the poor living condition, people living in informal settlements experience limited access to basic services and lack social network and support. In particular, vulnerable population like informal waste workers, persons with disabilities, women and elderly are socially further stigmatized and experience increased vulnerability to lead them to discrimination. The concerned stakeholders have been overlooking the issues of informal settlements and its management.


One of the objectives of this project is to identify the probable stakeholders responsible for the people living in informal settlements through stakeholder analysis. The local clubs and Community-based organizations will themselves be involved for identifying, prioritizing, and lobbying for the needs of people in informal settlements. This will help to make concerned authorities understand their challenges as well as the underlying causes through which pragmatic solutions can be pursued.

Long-Term Impact

This project will include the involvement of co-researchers in the different activities throughout the research process. The people living in informal settlements will be able to put forward the issues to the concerned stakeholders through advocacy and lobbying related activities. Additionally, the local government and concerned authorities will ensure basic services and be accountable to the slum dwellers.


Organization Information


Location: Kathmandu - Nepal
Project Leader:
Bikash Koirala
Bhaktapur , Kathmandu Nepal
$40 raised of $50,000 goal
2 donations
$49,960 to go
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