10000 Children - 10000 Trees - For You

by Andover Trees United
10000 Children - 10000 Trees - For You
10000 Children - 10000 Trees - For You
10000 Children - 10000 Trees - For You
10000 Children - 10000 Trees - For You
10000 Children - 10000 Trees - For You
10000 Children - 10000 Trees - For You
10000 Children - 10000 Trees - For You
10000 Children - 10000 Trees - For You
10000 Children - 10000 Trees - For You
10000 Children - 10000 Trees - For You
10000 Children - 10000 Trees - For You
10000 Children - 10000 Trees - For You
10000 Children - 10000 Trees - For You
10000 Children - 10000 Trees - For You
10000 Children - 10000 Trees - For You
10000 Children - 10000 Trees - For You
10000 Children - 10000 Trees - For You
10000 Children - 10000 Trees - For You
10000 Children - 10000 Trees - For You
10000 Children - 10000 Trees - For You
10000 Children - 10000 Trees - For You
10000 Children - 10000 Trees - For You
10000 Children - 10000 Trees - For You
10000 Children - 10000 Trees - For You
10000 Children - 10000 Trees - For You
10000 Children - 10000 Trees - For You
10000 Children - 10000 Trees - For You
10000 Children - 10000 Trees - For You
10000 Children - 10000 Trees - For You
10000 Children - 10000 Trees - For You
10000 Children - 10000 Trees - For You
10000 Children - 10000 Trees - For You

Project Report | Oct 10, 2019
The past few months at Andover Trees United.

By Alex Marshall | Charity Intern

Walks and Talks
Walks and Talks

It’s been a busy few months here at Andover Trees United!

We have been working hard in the woods and on the allotment tending to our young trees and wildflowers. We’ve also built a new dipping pond in the woods, allowing us to increase biodiversity and provide a space to run pond-dipping sessions. We have added more wildflowers to the meadow at our community planting days - 3000 in total were grown from seed by 100s of children and adults who took part in schools, at events on the High St and on our community allotment. And, in general, we have undertaken much watering!

 Aside from workdays in the woods, we've been running lots of activities and events:

  • We had a label making workshop, hammering metal labels ready for the new trees that will be planted next month.
  • We ran our first summer play scheme of nature-themed activities for local children.
  • We ran our 3rd seasonal ‘Meet the Trees’ visit with local schools, this time meeting an Ash tree that is due to be felled on the Englefield Estate. Aiming to connect children with woodland and sustainable forestry, the project allows young people to learn about Ash Dieback disease, to form an emotional connection with the tree-to-be-felled and enables them to consider the many services that trees provide to both humans and ecosystems. As well as considering the positives and negatives of felling the tree, how the tree can be used as a resource after it is felled and how woodlands can be sustainably managed, school groups will have the opportunity to visit the tree again early next year to watch the felling, and will continue to follow the tree's onward journey as the timber meets its end-users.
  • In September we held our ‘Walks and Talks’ event - a guided walk of the woods followed by our AGM, a climate game run by our junior members, all of whom are trained Plant-for-the-Planet Climate Justice Ambassadors, and a variety of presentations. It was a great way to showcase who we are and the work that we do.
  • We also had the honour of hosting Jane Goodall’s Roots & Shoots Peace Day Procession for the second year running, celebrating the UN International Day of Peace.The procession was attended by Lady Portal, Deputy Lieutenant of Hampshire, Mayor of Test Valley Councillor Martin Hatley, the UK Roots & Shoots team, media representatives, Andover Trees volunteers, 2 giant doves and of course the 250 local school children and their teachers. Together, all walked through Harmony Woods with peace doves in their hands and Jane’s message in their hearts – a message that we can live in peace with one another and with nature. 

Now that we’re well and truly into autumn, tree planting season is just around the corner and we’re gearing up for our annual tree planting fortnight November 16th-29th. Around 1000 local school children and others from the community will come and plant their trees in the wood.

With your support, we are on the way to achieving the funding we need to make this happen. If you like our work, we hope that you will continue to support us, share it with others and help us to keep raising these much-needed funds. Thank you.

Wildflower Planting
Wildflower Planting
Paper making at the summer playscheme
Paper making at the summer playscheme
Jane Goodall's Roots & Shoots Peace Day Procession
Jane Goodall's Roots & Shoots Peace Day Procession
Planting a tree at the Peace Day procession
Planting a tree at the Peace Day procession
Tea break!
Tea break!


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Jul 12, 2019
Springtime and Early Summer

By Wendy Davis | Project Leader

Mar 28, 2019
A Week in the Life of an Andover Trees United Volunteer

By Wendy Davis | Project Leader

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Organization Information

Andover Trees United

Location: Abbotts Ann, Hants - United Kingdom
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @Andover_Trees
Project Leader:
Wendy Davis
Abbotts Ann , Hants United Kingdom
$30,231 raised of $35,000 goal
532 donations
$4,769 to go
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