Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal

by Karuna Trust
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal

Project Report | Feb 5, 2020
Chantin becomes a leader in her community

By Amoghamati Traud-Debois | Project Leader

Sustainable farming of mushrooms
Sustainable farming of mushrooms

It's a real honour to share some of my recent visit to this project. Here, in her own words, it Chantin, Chairwoman of the Self Help Group in Chitwan East:

“We are a group of 15 women and I was honored to be elected chairwoman. We have been working since last year. We have set up the shed which was hard work. Now we can grow our mushrooms here many times until it collapses! We can grow 5 harvests with each pack, 3 will be good and then 2 lesser ones. Each pack brings 7-8 kg per harvest. Last harvest we made NRP 40.000 net benefit from an investment of NRP 50.000. I’m so happy that I can work in a way where I can earn my own money. 

This is such a change for us all! The social worker Binita comes once a month and we meet in the group. She shares best practices for mushroom production. Equality is important in what she teaches us about gender. We were not aware about these things, now we have become confident and support each other when there are problems. Even with the other community members we are getting better relationships. Since we earn and since we’re confident there are less issues around untouchability nowadays. 

I’m so happy for this all, thanks!”

Thank you for your support with helping women like Chantin to become financially independent, learn sustainable skills and to break the gender barriers that have held women back. 

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Organization Information

Karuna Trust

Location: London, England - United Kingdom
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @karuna_trust_uk
Project Leader:
Amoghamati Traud-Dubois
London , England United Kingdom
$1,560 raised of $5,000 goal
41 donations
$3,440 to go
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