Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal

by Karuna Trust
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal

Project Report | Nov 24, 2022
Rajreshri begins a new chapter!

By Sophie Stephens | Digital Fundraiser

Providing for a big family can be extremely difficultRajreshri and her husband Akash were struggling to survive. With ten people and only one source of income, they could only eat once a day and, even then, food was limited. To add to their difficulties, water also had to be carried from a faraway location. Their family belongs to a lower caste, meaning they are only permitted to use certain water pools.  

As you might imagine, saving for your children to receive an education is impossible when you can barely eat 

Rajreshri began attending a local women’s group, encouraging women to develop the skills needed to grow their vegetables and become entrepreneurs. Rajreshri was inspired and pursued more courses provided by the project.

They focused on gender-based violence, women’s rights, and their vital role within society, with the hope that women like Rajreshri can realise their incredible potential and can understand gender-based discrimination and its effects. 

With 50,000 Rupees to buy seeds and start her business, she felt she could begin a new chapter! 

Now, 6 months on, the family is flourishing. Rajreshri is not only more confident in herself, she is saving up to provide her family with a concrete house, which will be a more comfortable environment for her children and an enormous achievement. 


Thanks to your support people like Rajreshri can grow alongside their vegetables! 




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Organization Information

Karuna Trust

Location: London, England - United Kingdom
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @karuna_trust_uk
Project Leader:
Amoghamati Traud-Dubois
London , England United Kingdom
$1,560 raised of $5,000 goal
41 donations
$3,440 to go
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