Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal

by Karuna Trust
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal

Project Report | Jan 24, 2023
Growing connection...

By Sophie Stephens | Digital Fundraiser

At 61, a lifetime of living in poverty took its toll on Bhavaroopa’s body, as well as her mental health.

In their shared, two-room home in Nepal, made from mud and broken bricks, her son supported her as much as he could. But a driver’s wage was barely enough for even one person to live on.

Not long ago, Bhavaroopa’s family was much larger – 11 of them in all. But they all moved out, got married or travelled away to find work. After her husband died, she felt lost and without a purpose of her own. Even the house was not in her name.

Though she had no land, she tried to grow a few vegetables, mainly creeping plants which travelled up the side of the house. When she could, she sold them in a local market, butshe struggled to raise enough to buy a plot of land of her own.

It was a group of local women that first told her about the Karuna project. She decided to go along, at least to try it.

She still remembers the comfort and relief she felt at the first meeting, being able to share her emotional life with other women like her. This support and connection inspired her to continue attending.

Soon, it wasn’t just new friends that Bhavaroopa was making. She also received training, alongside other women from the community, on how to grow and cultivate vegetables and then sell them for a sustainable income. She was even given seed money to begin her business.

Now, she finally feels like she has a place in society. Not only that, she can generate income for her family and contribute towards her son’s bills. She hopes to support her grandchildren gain an education, so that theycan find their independence one day, too.

Your support means we can work with even more women like Bhavaroopa to gain sustainable livelihoods and build connections within their local community.


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Organization Information

Karuna Trust

Location: London, England - United Kingdom
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @karuna_trust_uk
Project Leader:
Amoghamati Traud-Dubois
London , England United Kingdom
$1,560 raised of $5,000 goal
41 donations
$3,440 to go
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