Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal

by Karuna Trust
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal
Support Education and Livelihoods in rural Nepal

Project Report | Feb 22, 2024
Don't take it from us, hear from them...

By Soph Stephens | Communications Manager

n their own words, women and communities in Nepal share their experiences after having received support from our project, through skills training, group support, and advocacy. The project is having a tangible effect on long-standing attitudes and discriminatory beliefs towards women and girls in their communities. 

But don’t simply take it from us, hear from them… 

Sonneya, who learned soap-making said, “Before, I used to think that I was worthless and dependent on my husband. But now I feel that I have some value and I can do something for myself and my family.” 

Abinesh says“I saw personality development and leadership skills in my wife. Now women speak confidently and also approach the government sector without hesitation.” He added, “Before, I used to think that women should stay at home and do household chores. But now I realise that women can also work outside and contribute to the family and society.”This showcases the cultural shifts that are taking place within these communities because of your support. 

We hope to continue and expand our projects in Nepal and other parts of South Asia, to work alongside more women and people who are marginalisedto support them to lead a life of choice, with no one left behind. 

 Thank you for your support! 


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Organization Information

Karuna Trust

Location: London, England - United Kingdom
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @karuna_trust_uk
Project Leader:
Amoghamati Traud-Dubois
London , England United Kingdom
$1,560 raised of $5,000 goal
41 donations
$3,440 to go
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