Australia is facing an extinction crisis: more than 1,800 Australian animals and plants are threatened with extinction. Australian Wildlife Conservancy (AWC) is a leader in threatened mammal translocations and undertakes the most extensive wildlife species translocation program in Australia - successfully halting the decline and restoring populations of threatened wildlife. With your help, AWC plans to complete over 20 wildlife translocations of 12 different species in 2023
Wildlife translocations are a complex and multi-step process involving habitat assessments, threat minimisation (notably feral predator control), disease risk assessments, and consideration of any ongoing management requirements. Animals being translocated are then trapped, undergo health checks and tagging, before being transported to the release site and they are then monitored after their release.
AWC works with government agencies and frequently collaborates with other conservation organisations including zoos to conduct wildlife translocations, and to contribute to threatened species recovery. Most of AWC's wildlife translocations have involved reintroducing threatened or regionally extinct mammals into large, feral-free areas.
AWC undertakes wildlife translocations to improve species' conservation prospects, by establishing self-sustaining, genetically diverse populations within their former range, and to restore species assemblages and their associated ecological processes. AWC is the only organisation to have established multiple large feral-free areas across Australia - which now protect some of the largest remaining populations of threatened species such as the Bilby, Numbat and Mala.
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