Supporting 200 poor families in northern Syria

Supporting 200 poor families in northern Syria
Supporting 200 poor families in northern Syria
Supporting 200 poor families in northern Syria
Supporting 200 poor families in northern Syria
Supporting 200 poor families in northern Syria
Supporting 200 poor families in northern Syria
Supporting 200 poor families in northern Syria
Supporting 200 poor families in northern Syria
Supporting 200 poor families in northern Syria
Supporting 200 poor families in northern Syria
Supporting 200 poor families in northern Syria
Supporting 200 poor families in northern Syria
Supporting 200 poor families in northern Syria
Supporting 200 poor families in northern Syria
Supporting 200 poor families in northern Syria
Supporting 200 poor families in northern Syria

Project Report | Mar 20, 2024
Brightening Lives: The Journey of Hope and Support!

By MAHMOUD ALALI | Project Leader

Dear Valued Donors,


In a remarkable display of solidarity, our recent initiative, the "Relief Baskets Project," has successfully reached approximately one hundred impoverished and displaced families in Northern Syria. These families, uprooted by conflict and the devastating earthquake, found a semblance of comfort in the shelter of tents and temporary housing.


The Umut team, fueled by the generosity of compassionate donors like you, embarked on a mission divided into three impactful stages. The joy and relief we witnessed upon delivering these baskets of hope were profound. Each donation, a testament to your kindness, brought smiles to faces long shadowed by hardship, signaling a message loud and clear: they are not alone.


Your unwavering support not only provided immediate relief but also instilled a sense of solidarity and hope among those most affected. It's a reminder of the powerful change we can enact when we come together, united by empathy and a shared desire to make a difference.


As we continue on this path of kindness, let us remember that it is your continuous giving that lights up the world for those in need. The Umut team pledges to stand by the side of goodness and to support the needy, inspired and driven by your generosity.


With heartfelt thanks,


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Organization Information


Location: Mersin - Turkey
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @UMUT_NPO
Project Leader:
Mersin , Mersin Turkey

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