Supporting Health Workers in Myanmar

by Tropical Health and Education Trust (THET)
Supporting Health Workers in Myanmar


THET has supported Myanmar health workers for over 7 years. COVID-19 and the recent coup have placed them under unprecedented pressure, resulting in an increased demand for training and information exchange with their counterparts in the UK, particularly in the field of acute and emergency medicine. This project will strengthen the skills of Myanmar health workers and equip them with the tools to continue delivering healthcare to the communities & patients they seek to serve at a time of crisis.

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Myanmar health professionals face incredible challenges. They are working to maintain access to essential health services while responding to the pandemic and a coup which has resulted in the closure of state hospitals and unprecedented violence. New skills are required to respond to these challenges and enable them to reach patients in dangerous contexts. THET, together with our partners across the UK health community, are ensuring knowledge and support continues to reach Myanmar at this time.


THET is determined to do our part in supporting Myanmar health professionals and securing the right of every citizen to access quality health services. With our partners across the UK, we are coordinating and facilitating the development of a wide range of peer-to-peer networks and exchanges which can help protect those who protect us. Webinars, virtual Q&A sessions, and remote training have all enabled the sharing of expertise and information which strengthen clinical and health skills.

Long-Term Impact

In the past few weeks alone, we have reached hundreds of health workers, using networks of professional friendship built over years of partnership. This investment in the knowledge of Myanmar health professionals is helping them respond in the immediate-term, but will also ensure that our longer-term projects focused on improving maternal and newborn health, emergency medicine and nursing for example, can continue and flourish.


Organization Information

Tropical Health and Education Trust (THET)

Location: London - United Kingdom
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @THETlinks
Project Leader:
Kat Brassington
London , London United Kingdom
$377 raised of $14,000 goal
11 donations
$13,623 to go
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